Erica Reid
This molding coat I'm wearing—this mood
this chewed-up mink, this blessed heavy mess
with its wet kinks, with its whiffy kiss of sweat,

this mood, all its gnarls, its curls, its age-old
burrs, this wretched sable, this fetching ruin,
thick hulk funking its bulk in my rough shape—

ratty mood! Menace in its drape, its feeble sag,
my drowsy cape. Sleeves uneven, buttons like
loose teeth. And me with nothing underneath.
from the book  GHOST MAN ON SECOND / Autumn House Press 
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Never give up on those poem drafts that don't fully bloom the first time! Often, when I'm stuck for somewhere to begin, I return to those "failed" drafts, and that's where I found the skeleton of what would become "Pelt." She just needed time. "Pelt" also had the honor of being illustrated at with artwork by Stacy Isenbarger.
Paper in Typewriter
Pennsylvania Looking to Re-establish its Poet Laureate Position

"Pennsylvania is one of only a few states without a poet laureate, but if the General Assembly acts, one could reappear in the commonwealth. Rep. Bob Freeman, D-Easton, has proposed a House Bill to re-establish a Pennsylvania poet laureate to conduct official readings at the governor's inauguration, the opening of the legislative session, and to serve at official commemorations."

Red Flowers on a yellow ball
What Sparks Poetry:
Jonathan Skinner on "Unfolder"

"I suppose the poem downplays metamorphosis, and all its metaphorical associations, compressing the monarch’s ontogeny, from egg to larva or caterpillar molting through its instars eating their own shed skin to pupal stage with its cremaster to chrysalis and finally butterfly, into one stanza, like those time-lapse photography films we all watched in school. Instead, 'Unfolder' dilates on the risky moment of sexual encounter."
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