Hi Do, Here are Todd’s latest fun picks to take your financial skills to the next level... I feel like I'm living in a movie.
I rarely leave the house now, and when I do the experience is post-apocalyptic with closed stores and deserted streets.
It's all so surreal.
And I'm one of the fortunate ones (so far). My business is internet-based so I already work from home. My entire support team works remotely. Even my family remains healthy (so far).
Yet, it feels like a movie.
My children are showing me the way. One daughter has virtual breakfast with her friends, and the other plays virtual game nights with her friends. Both continue their schoolwork remotely. They're figuring out how stay connected and find joy where possible.
Me... not so much.
Without the gym, restaurants, and social events to get me out of the house and connecting with people, my naturally reclusive nature flourishes. I'm getting a lot of work done, which I guess is good because I have a lot of work to do.
But to be perfectly honest, I fear this virus. Even though I'm extraordinarily healthy for my age (59, in case you're wondering), I've always had problems with lung infections and dry coughs since childhood. It's the one weirdness about my otherwise excellent health, and that's not a good weirdness to have in this situation.
What would happen if this virus went rogue on me and there was no ventilator available because we never flattened the curve? Unpleasant thoughts. Uncertainty. I feel the first symptoms of the psychological toll this will extract.
Geometric growth has been my life work. I never thought to apply it to a virus before. The equations are counter-intuitive to many, but the one thing you need to know in this circumstance is every person matters. Every new infection matters, even if it's a healthy 20 year-old. Because each new infection enables the geometric growth curve, and each new infection prevented is how that curve gets flattened. It's how you break the chain of geometric growth - one person at a time.
In finance and investing I always worked to accelerate the curve. Now I work to flatten it.
Strange times, indeed... You've probably seen those "10 Best Days/10 Worst Days" studies about the stock market, right? I'm always amazed when otherwise intelligent people incorrectly use that data to support a buy-and-hold investment strategy. The logical conclusion, (but also completely wrong) is that if you miss the 10 best days of market history then you get little return from investing. It's mathematically true, but pure nonsense for supporting buy and hold as the required investment strategy. What they fail to tell you is the 10 best days all occur during a Who's Who of the the worst times to be invested - major bear markets. The pundits would be more accurate to tell to be invested during the worst bear market declines to profit from the stock market (but of course, that sounds ridiculous). Today's link shows you where the 25 best (and worst) days occur. Surprise, it's volatile bear markets. So don't get excited when you hear on the news how the stock market just had the biggest increase since the Great Depression. There's a reason for that volatility, and it's not good. I've been so focused on building out my Expectancy Wealth Planning master course and publishing my last two books that I haven't pursued any major media exposure. So it was a nice treat to get my 15 seconds of fame without even trying in this new USA Today article. It shares some helpful insights if you're not happy with your financial guidance and looking to make a change. And if you're ready to become your own financial expert then I offer five free video lessons from my flagship Expectancy Investing course here without any cost or obligation. Imagine you fell asleep on February 1st this year and woke up 45 days later. What a shock! The world would be completely changed. Hollywood star Jared Leto did just that when he entered a silent meditation retreat for an unusually important two week period. This strange circumstance woke me up to how quickly and dramatically our world has changed. Imagine how it would feel to have missed it all? Maybe now would be a good time to take a year-long silent meditation retreat? Hmmm... Onward and upward! Todd Tresidder
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