TokyoDex Newsletter 2017年9月号
September 27, 2017
 ---Please Scroll Down for English---



さて、皆様にお馴染みの、This&That Café がついに、3ヶ月の休暇を経て、9月29日(金)にSuperDeluxeに再来します。
今回の#TnTCafeではギター/コンガ/タップダンスを組み合わせたトリオ「Conguero Tres Hoofers」 によるパフォーマンスから、“ループ・ペダル忍者”の異名を持つ「Kenta Hayashi」の6週間ツアーをキックオフするショーまで、刺激的で幅広いラインナップを揃えています。レゲーロック・ファンクスターの「MomoFunk」は今回TnTデビューを果たす予定。そしてTnTでお馴染みの「LazuccaLunga」は、「ReFashion Caravan」とともに一夜限りのマルチメディアなファッションショーを披露します。さらに当日はライブアートとDJによるパフォーマンスが加わり、音楽とアートを融合させた見逃す事のできない夜となるでしょう!皆さん、空いていれば、ぜひ秋の始まりを祝して、私たちと冷えた一杯を堪能しませんか。詳しくはSuperDeluxeウェブサイトFacebookページをチェックしてください。

また、今年度日本で初めて開催されたシンギュラリティ大学のジャパン・サミットにて、#TokyoDexは夜に行われたエンターテイメントを担当しましたことをご報告致します。世界的にも知られるこのイベントは、9月6日から8日の三日間に渡り開催されました。各分野の専門家が集まり、プレゼンテーションや展示、食事会を通して日本の将来について語り合いました。「Frankie Cihi」や「WHOLE9」によるライブアートのみならず、様々なミュージックアーティストも招き、三日間通じて、大盛り上がりを見せました。お忙しい中、お台場まで足を運んでくださった皆様にお礼申し上げます。来年の開催が待ちきれません!
お知らせは以上です。新しい動画の公開などについては以下の「Other News」をご覧ください。
TokyoDex Team一同

Dear friends and fellow art enthusiasts,

Greetings from Tokyo where the Summer typhoons have come and gone and the air beginning to have that wonderful Autumn smell.

It’s been a while since our last newsletter and there is lots to report! First up-- after a three-month respite, This&That Café makes its long-awaited return to SuperDeluxe this Friday 9/29, just in time to share a few cold drinks as we give the summer a proper send-off. As always, #TnTCafe boasts a stellar and eclectic line-up, with performances ranging from the guitar/conga/tap trio Conguero Tres Hoofers, to "loop-pedal ninja" Kenta Hayashi who kicks off a six-week tour with this show. Reggae-rock funksters Momo Funk make their TnT debut, while longtime collaborator LazuccaLunga has put together a multi-media fashion show with "ReFashion Caravan” for one night only. Add live-art and DJs to the mix, and you have an incredible interdisciplinary evening of art and music you simply won't want to miss!Check out the SuperDeluxe page and our Facebook page for details. 

A belated thanks to all of you who came out to support TokyoDex at Singularity University’s very first Japan Summit. From September 6th to 8th, professionals from various fields and different countries gathered to discuss the future of Japan.  #TokyoDex provided the evening entertainment at this world-renowned gathering after participants took part in presentations, exhibitions workshop sessions during the day. As part of our live-painting program, we invited long-time Dex friends and collaborators Frankie Cihi and WHOLE9. We also invited a huge line up of A-class musical artists to make the night truly memorable. Check out photos here.

That's it from us for now, please see below for new video releases et al below under "Other News."

If you haven't already, please take this opportunity to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter and Instagram for all of the latest news on our events and new projects.

Thanks always for your support and hope to see many of you soon!

Team TokyoDex
Other News
Steel Case

Recently we teamed up with world-famous office furniture companies, “Steelcase” and “Workplace Solutions Inc.(WSI)” to help celebrate their new collaborative #rediscoverworklife office/showroom in Tokyo. Not only did we incorporate our very own installations inside and out of the office, we also invited some of our good friends to help out with onsite live art. Thanks to the creative efforts of our team and extended artist community, the event was a massive success! Check the video report here.

TokyoDexのクリエイティブディレクター、ダニエル・ハリス・ローゼンのディレクションのもと、METEOR GRAPHICS柏原晋平という前代未聞のコラボレーションを実現し、唯一無二の傑作が誕生しました。大きな壁に命を吹き込んだこの作品の制作過程を、ぜひご覧下さい
Web marketing agency “Insight” has always valued the idea of combining innovation, change and the unexpected. When we asked them about a theme for a 10-meter mural to be designed for their new lobby, they gave us a very simple directive: “Let’s do something that has never been done before.”
Under the direction of TokyoDex’s own Creative Director Daniel Harris Rosen, METEOR GRAPHICS and Shinpei Kashihara worked together in an unprecedented collaboration to produce a piece that was the first of its kind. Check out the video to see how they made this beautiful art wall come to life!

Please Follow, Watch and Like us!
* If you are receiving this e-mail, it's because you are a friend, or a friend of a friend, or we exchanged cards somewhere long the way at SuperDeluxe or at some other place in some other friendly fashion. We don't randomly spam people, nor do we give out e-mail addresses, but if you'd rather not be on our mailing list, please simply click here. Can't imagine why you would want to do that though.... :)

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