Plus, how a millennial Marxist novel should be, and more...

September 2, 2021
It’s High Time We Messed With Texas
From the way it entered the Union, right up through this week, the Lone Star State has been aggressively dragging the country backward.
by Michael Tomasky
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An abortion provider and a hotline operator warn that S.B. 8 is a proving ground for abortion restrictions around the country.
by Annie Geng and Esther Wang
Despite having contributed to the failure in Afghanistan, Republicans are looking to use it as their central argument in 2022.
by Alex Shephard
The characters in Sally Rooney’s “Beautiful World, Where Are You” want you to know they considered alternatives to capitalism.
by Jennifer Wilson
In the dead of night, the Supreme Court’s conservatives erased abortion rights in Texas—and signaled what they would do next.
by Matt Ford
The Silicon Valley superstar may finally be facing trial, but the fact her company got away with the crimes for as long as they did is still disturbing.
by Timothy Noah
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