Beyond the Blast: Next-Level Email Strategy Requires Conversation Automation

You send thousands and thousands of messages and the only response you get is link clicks. It’s a useful way to see who’s at least somewhat paying attention, but how do you handle all those leads who clicked and didn’t convert?

Traditional, one-way email nurture just can’t provide the kind of personalized, back-and-forth experience needed to move lukewarm leads to sales-ready status. Take the next step. Join this webinar tomorrow to learn:

  • Why status quo email automation isn’t enough for today’s customers
  • How Conversation Automation increases quantity and quality of engagement, ultimately leading to higher conversion
  • Top Conversation Automation use cases and best practices for setting up campaigns that deliver big revenue results

Register Now

Amanda Venezia, Senior Marketing Programs Manager, Conversica
Kendra Matthews, Head of Product Marketing, Conversica

Thank you,
The MarTech and Digital Marketing Depot Teams

P.S. If you can't make the webinar, register anyway and we'll send you the video recording of the webinar later in the day.

Sponsored by Conversica

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