TOOLS FOR SUCCESS I’ve been writing my weekly newsletter since 2002 and want to THANK YOU for allowing me to share ideas, encouragement and resources with you! We started with 5 newsletter subscribers including my mother, brother, and best friend from college. They were getting the newsletter whether they liked it or not. : ) As we have grown to reach hundreds of thousands of people I've also grown as a writer, speaker and creator of tools, trainings and resources to help others. We now have many free Tools for Success as well as the Positive University podcast, workshops, The Power of Positive Leadership training program, live speaking events, webinars, Energy Bus for Schools, action plans, video programs and more. Opportunities to help you Learn, Lead and Grow! I realized we needed a way to share all the opportunities we have for you. So, every Thursday we will now share a "Tools for Success" email containing tangible resources and opportunities to help you Learn, Lead and Grow. My goal is to do what I’ve always done and that's add value. Many resources will be free, others will be available for purchase and each week we will do fun give-aways, such as books, video programs, etc. You'll continue to receive the Positive Tip Newsletter on Monday as well.
To kick things off and let you know I appreciate you, I want to give you COMPLIMENTARY ACCESS to my Training Camp Online Video Training Program. Details are below.
Thanks again for your support and if you know someone who you think can benefit from what we share, please invite them to sign up for the newsletter here.
I'm grateful for you, Jon