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Jenna Mueller - T4T Winner
University City, MO - Every month KPLR and Weber Chevrolet recognize a local teacher who goes above and beyond in every category for their students. This month's winner is Jenna Mueller is a teacher at the Brittany Woods Middle School of University City in St. Louis.

Lindsey Heaghney nominated Jenna and states, “Jenna isn’t your average teacher, she goes above and beyond in every category. During COVID-19 she took care packages to students, delivered books, and keeps students engaged at the highest level. Jenna has made house calls to students that are struggling. Her care never stops. She buys all her own supplies, tools, and even buys students in need supplies. Holiday time, Jenna sets up school wide fundraisers, that are second to none. Raised thousands of Dollars to support her students and their entire family. To date she has given over 100 children and the entire family every Christmas gift they have wished for. She’s the definition of EXCELLENCE!”

Jenna Mueller joined Mike Colombo for an interview on November 20th, you can watch the interview HERE!

Do you know know a deserving teacher? Nominate a local teacher today on the link below!

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