Thinking About an Ethical Travel Destination Off the Beaten Path? Here Are the Top 10 Places to Visit Now

Reynard Loki, AlterNet

These developing nations don’t just have stunning natural beauty, they are champions of human rights, animal welfare, environmental conservation and renewable energy. READ MORE»

Global Warming's Terrifying New Chemistry

Bill McKibben, The Nation

Our leaders thought fracking would save our climate. They were wrong. Very wrong. READ MORE»

Why Southern California's New Cloud-Seeding Project Has Conspiracy Theorists in a Frenzy

Reynard Loki, AlterNet

Five years into a crippling drought, Los Angeles County is trying to make it rain. Skeptics believe something more nefarious is going on. READ MORE»

'Gasland' Director Josh Fox Arrested at 'Pancakes Not Pipelines' Protest

By Lee Ziesche, AlterNet

The director and activist was arrested while serving pancakes at an anti-pipeline protest. READ MORE»

Rockefeller Family Fund to Divest From ExxonMobil, Says Oil Giant Is 'Morally Reprehensible'

By Reynard Loki, AlterNet

"There is no sane rationale for companies to continue to explore for new sources of hydrocarbons."  READ MORE»

Clinton: 'Coal Will Be Part of the Energy Mix For Years to Come, Both in the U.S. and Around the World'

By Eric Zuesse, AlterNet

Hillary Clinton’s record is remarkably consistent, in serving the people at the top, by serving to them the people at the bottom. READ MORE»

Bill Gates Is on a Mission to Sell GMOs to Africa, but He's Not Telling the Whole Truth

By Stacy Malkan, AlterNet

Peddling the "false choice" of GMOs or hunger, the earth's richest person conveniently fails to mention increased exposure to cancer-causing pesticides and water poisoned by chemical runoff. READ MORE»

We Can Feed Our Meat Addiction in More Eco-Friendly Ways Than Factory Farming—But Is It Too Late?

By AJ Hartnett, AlterNet

Stem cells are a possible go-to for carnivores. But it cost $325,000 to make the first synthetic meat burger. READ MORE»

Toxic Traps: When These 7 Types of Plastic Are Dangerous

By Larry Schwartz, AlterNet

Plastic is everywhere in our society, and it is wreaking havoc with our health.  READ MORE»

Chomsky: 'Republicans Are a Danger to the Human Species'

By Patricia Lombroso, il manifesto

The author and philosopher discusses global warming, war with Russia, the U.S. presidential election and the survival of human civilization. READ MORE»

Erin Brockovich on Oklahoma Earthquakes: ‘It’s Fracking, Let’s Just Be Honest’

By Lorraine Chow, EcoWatch

Before 2009, Oklahoma had two earthquakes of magnitude 3.0 or greater each year, but now there are two a day. READ MORE»

Eco-Friendly ‘Burial Suits’ Are on the Rise, But Are They Really Necessary?

By Sarah Crews, Tim Crews, AlterNet

Nature already does the work, cleaning out toxins through natural decomposition, for free. READ MORE»

California’s World-Class Coastline Could Be Ravaged by Greedy Developers Because One Man Was Unjustly Fired

By Jacques Leslie, Sierra Club

The unwarranted dismissal of Charles Lester, the respected head of the California Coastal Commission, was simply about money and power.  READ MORE»

Why Justice for Animals Is the Social Movement of Our Time (VIDEO)

By Dr. Hope Ferdowsian, Psychology Today

A growing movement recognizes the link between violence against people and violence against animals.  READ MORE»

February Didn't Just Break Climate Change Records – It Totally Obliterated Them

By James Dyke, The Conversation

We are currently swamping the Earth’s ability to absorb greenhouse gases. And it just keeps getting dramatically worse.  READ MORE»

A Despicable Ploy by Monsanto and Other Biotech Giants Increased U.S. Pesticide Use by Over 500 Million Pounds in Just 5 Years

Pesticide Action Network North America

It's no surprise that the “Big 6” Big Ag firms that make GE seeds also make pesticides to go along with them. READ MORE»

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