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12 of the Best Places To Watch Free Movies Online
Use our customized chart to save money and time spent searching for the kinds of movies you like.
10 Best Homeowners Insurance Companies Ranked and Graded
Homeowners insurance exists to protect against a catastrophic event. Your top priority is to get coverage that will actually protect you rather than the cheapest premiums, Clark says.
What’s the Penalty if You Keep Working After You Start Collecting Social Security?
What happens to your Social Security benefit if you continue working after receiving it? And is it worth considering financially?
7 Ways To Avoid Scams While Shopping Online
From using a virtual card number, avoiding debit cards and never storing your credit card info, Team Clark has compiled tips to keep you safe from online scammers out to get your money.
Stat of the Day
$170,000: The maximum starting salary for New York’s new “director of rodent mitigation” position. Posted by the mayor’s office, the right candidate “is highly motivated and somewhat bloodthirsty,” the job posting reads.
Clark's Christmas Kids: We Need Your Help!
As we enter the holiday season, we hope you consider supporting Clark's Christmas Kids. Our goal is to make sure every foster child in the state of Georgia has gifts to open on Christmas day. Your generosity can make it happen.
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Top Resources for December
Moto G Stylus 5G Unlocked 256GB Smartphone for $200
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Southwest Airlines Credit Card: Earn Up to 12 FREE Flights
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Most Reliable Cars
Looking to buy a car soon? There are new reliability rankings from Consumer Reports that you need to know. Also, the consumer experience is going downhill in many sectors.
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Need Money Help?
The Team Clark Consumer Action Center is a free helpline that can help you navigate your money questions. Call 636-492-5275.
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