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CIO First Look

February 04, 2022

Top 15 PLM vendors

From design to service and beyond, product lifecycle management (PLM) suites and platforms help coordinate the work of developing, maintaining, and improving products of all stripes. Read more ▶

A tsunami of IT project disasters is on the horizon

No garden-variety ‘over budget and behind schedule’ project failures here. We’re talking spectacular failures that disrupt supply chains, delay the reporting of financials, and blow up the careers of seemingly competent executives.

10 Azure cost management tips

Moving to the cloud means paying for computing and services very differently. Understanding how you use Microsoft’s public cloud is critical for managing your costs.

What is servant leadership? A philosophy for people-first leadership

Servant leadership is a service-first framework for management that prioritizes employee growth and empathetic leadership.

Image: 5 steps for finding value in the cloud

5 steps for finding value in the cloud

What do companies with successful cloud strategies know that their peers don’t? Where to look for value.

Making a difference: IT leaders uplift their communities

Volunteer work can help lend new purpose and breathe new life into your IT career, say senior tech leaders who have offered their skills for meaningful community tech and STEM projects.

9 ways CIOs will fail to support hybrid work in 2022

The heroic work CIOs did in facilitating all-remote workplaces isn’t enough to tackle what’s next. Hybrid success requires the right investments, a new mindset, and widespread cultural changes.

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