Marketers understand the importance of search – whether it's organic or paid – in reaching, engaging, and converting their global audiences. But achieving success in international SEO and paid search takes more than translation, and getting it wrong means lost time, budget, and opportunity.

Join Clayton Warwick, Senior Director of Digital & Creative at Wordbank US, and Gary Reilly, Digital Strategy Director at Wordbank London, to uncover the five key mistakes brands make in international search and what you need to do to get it right. Find out:

  • Why translating English content won't deliver results
  • How user experience impacts organic and paid search performance
  • Technical considerations that can make or break your search efforts

You’ll also hear from Jeramie Heflin, Senior Global Marketing Manager at Safeguard Global, with on-the-ground insights into running successful international search efforts.

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The Search Engine Land and Digital Marketing Depot Teams

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