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Stat of the Day
The average net worth for Americans at age 55, according to the Fed's latest Survey of Consumer Finances (data from 2019). The median net worth for 55-year-olds was just $169,000.
Top 5 Email Scam Subject Lines Right Now
Can you recognize an email phishing scam just from the subject line? You can if you know what you’re looking for. Here are some emails you can send straight to the trash.
The One Time Clark Howard Was Too Cheap
Clark once bought an extremely cheap parka from a Chinese merchant online. The results were disastrous but hilarious.
7 Best Free Password Managers and Why You Need One
Using a password manager isn’t a fail-safe to avoid getting hacked. But it’s safer than using the same (potentially lackluster) password on every account you open online.
How To Sell Textbooks for the Best Price Possible
Now that the semester has ended, your college student may have a stack of textbooks they’re not going to use again. Here’s how to get the most out of reselling them.
Survey Results!
Earlier this week we asked you to share your worst purchase ever. Here are a few of the submissions that we received:
  • Craig in Ohio: “I rented a movie on Amazon and then found out it was included in one of our streaming subscriptions. The movie was $30.”
  • Anna in Georgia: “Two husbands. Both bankrupted me and moved on. WORST PURCHASE EVER!”
  • Jassen in Georgia: “I paid a stock picker website. At one point in time the S&P 500 was up 28% while I was down 30%. Moving forward I’m investing the way Clark Howard does, the “boring way.”
  • Marsha in California: “I retired and bought a used RV for $30K. It is being used as a ‘she shed’ in my driveway until gas prices come back down in three or four decades.”
  • Eugene in West Virginia: “A timeshare. The annual maintenance fees kept going up so I decided to sell it. I discovered there was no market for a used timeshare. I got some good advice from Clark Howard about a timeshare exit company and paid them an exit fee which was very reasonable. I considered myself very lucky as I had tried several options to unload the timeshares to no avail. It was like escaping from a horrible nightmare!”
Top Resources for June
The Best Am Ex Offers for Cardholders This Month
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Next New Podcast: June 13
No new podcast episodes this week for a quick summer break, but Clark will be back next week! In the meantime, catch up on any episodes you may have missed.
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