InformationWeek Cloud
Maximize Cloud Investments; Big Tech Partnerships in AI Dev; EU's Digital Services Act Goes Live

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InformationWeek Cloud
August 28, 2023
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Top Cloud Security Mistakes (And How to Avoid Them)
Cloud users keep making the same security mistakes. Here’s how you can get your team to prioritize cloud defense.

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3 Ways to Maximize Cloud Investments

Optimizing cloud investments and driving the return on existing investments will require strong governance processes and a deeper view into how cloud fits in with the broader business strategy.
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Big Tech Forging Partnerships to Further AI Development Strategies

Players such as LG AI Research and Google Cloud are finding others to partner with in the continuing race for AI supremacy among major tech companies.
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EU’s Digital Services Act Goes Live to Police Big Tech Apps

The EU continues to lead the rest of the world in tech regulation as its latest effort focuses on major app platforms.
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  • Tips for A Streamlined Transition to Zero Trust

    From identifying the potential attack surface to determining policy, there is a clear path to zero trust and best practices to make the transition as smooth as possible - both for your organization and your customers. Zero trust is more ...

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Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
10 Must-Have Enterprise Cloud Skills
To thrive in today’s multi-cloud environment, every enterprise IT team needs professionals with these 10 cloud computing skills. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
US Agencies Call for Strengthened Cybersecurity in the Space Industry
The government and commercial players have a lot at stake when it comes to cybersecurity of the final frontier. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
10 Industries Hiring Tech Workers Now
Tech companies have been laying off workers at a rapid pace, but plenty of other industries are looking to hire those who’ve been let go. Read More
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
Top 11 SASE Vendors for 2023 and 2024
Take a look at the top SASE vendors for 2023/2024. These platforms offer a variety of security solutions to help you protect your networks and data. Read More
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