| Creating the Ideal Home for Retirement | When planning for retirement, a client’s home should be a topic of discussion. Does the client believe that they can stay in the current home for the next 10-20 years? An in depth look at universal design for aging. | Read more |
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| | What Older Adults Need to Know About Prescription Drug Risks | Older adults are twice as likely to suffer a side effect serious enough to require a trip to an ER, yet only half of the older adults in a recent Consumer Reports survey talked with their doctor about drug side effect concerns. | Read more |
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| | Over-The-Counter Devices Hold Their Own Against Costly Hearing Aids | Hearing aids that can cost more than $2,000 apiece are only slightly more effective than some over-the-counter sound-amplification devices that sell for just a few hundred dollars, according to a recent study. | Read more |
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| | Many Still Sidestep End-Of-Life Care Planning, Study Finds | Only 36.7% of the 800,000 people studied had completed some kind of advance directive. Of those, 29.3% completed living wills, 33.4% health care proxies and 32.2% were “undefined.” | Read more |
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| | Baby Boomers Look to Senior Concierge Services to Raise Income | Elder concierge, as the industry is known, is a way for the semi- and fully retired to continue to work, and, from a business standpoint, the opportunities look as if they will keep growing. | Read more |
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| | Workplace Accident Death Rate Higher for Older Workers | The number of deaths among all workers dropped from 5,480 in 2005 to 4,836 in 2015. By contrast, on-the-job fatalities among older workers increased slightly, from 1,562 to 1,681. During that time period, the number of older people in the workplace increased by 37%. | Read more |
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