December 28, 2022
Dear Valued Reader,

We spend plenty of time looking at the worst of the investment newsletter world... but in the spirit of the season, as we wrap up the year, we always throw a little light on the best ideas.  What were the most successful teaser picks of 2022?  Who stood out in a bad year?  Just click below for our look at the best performers and the most popular ideas...

Stock Gumshoe's offices are officially closed for the holidays, even though I snuck in to get this last missive of the year out to you... but if you're looking for more stories, we can catch you up on last week's action...

We started out the pre-Christmas week with an update from "America's #1 Stock Timer" ... and yes, the title is a little, well, ironic this time.

Then it was a good ol' "hidden resources" story that had some promise of becoming an Indiana Jones tale... that's Christian DeHaemer's pitch about thie "Mother Lode," click here for the Thinkolator results and my take.

And we can't finish up the year without some kind of technology stock story -- this time it was Andy Snyder's Manward Press promoting something he calls "XRI" that's about to experience a "Mega-boom"... and, yes, this another "metaverse" pitch.  Part one of that teaser solution is here, and part two with the "bonus picks" is here.

For our final Friday File of the year, I dug into something a little different in the "high yield" universe, preferred stocks, partly because I began to dip my toe in this water with a purchase, and partly because some of these kinds of investments might get to deeper bargain prices in whatever the next panic might be, at steep enough discounts to par that give them a chance for a reasonable "bonus" capital gain somday.   Detaiils below...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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