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Worldwide Travel Sale
Highlights of the Italian Lakes
8-day land tour with hotels, transportation & more
7 breakfasts & 3 dinners
Sightseeing in Milan, Saronno, Rovereto & more
$100 off land per person with code: 17CS100*
$200 per person air savings**
fr $120 per day See Deal
Grecian Magic
9-day land tour with hotels, transportation & more
8 breakfasts & 3 dinners
Sightseeing in Athens, Delphi, Volos & more
$100 off land per person with code: 17CS100*
$200 per person air savings**
fr $191 per day See Deal
Glimpse of Europe
8-day land tour with hotels, transportation & more
7 breakfasts & 3 dinners
Sightseeing in London, Amsterdam, Paris & more
$100 off land per person with code: 17CS100*
$200 per person air savings**
fr $160 per day See Deal
Highlights of France
13-day land tour with hotels, transportation & more
12 breakfasts & 5 dinners
Sightseeing in Paris, Bordeaux, Nimes & more
$100 off land per person with code: 17CS100*
$200 per person air savings**
fr $148 per day See Deal
Spanish Experience
9-day land tour with hotels, transportation & more
8 breakfasts & 3 dinners
Sightseeing in Madrid, Seville, Barcelona & more
$100 off land per person with code: 17CS100*
$200 per person air savings**
fr $130 per day See Deal
Highlights of Spain, Morocco & Portugal
16-day land tour with hotels, transportation & more
15 breakfasts & 6 dinners
Sightseeing in Madrid, Granada, Lisbon & more
$100 off land per person with code: 17CS100*
$200 per person air savings**
fr $98 per day See Deal
Fall Colors of New England
10-day land tour with hotels, transportation & more
9 breakfasts
Sightseeing in Boston, Woodstock, Stowe North Conway & more
$100 off land per person with code: 17CS100*
fr $159 per day See Deal
California & the Golden West
14-day land tour with hotels, transportation & more
2 breakfasts
Sightseeing in Los Angeles, San Diego, San Francisco, Las Vegas & more
$100 off land per person with code: 17CS100*
fr $135 per day See Deal
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Terms and Conditions:
*Save $100 per person on the land portion of all 2017 CostSaver worldwide tours booked and paid in full between 3/13/17 - 4/27/17. Must enter/mention promo code 17CS100 at time of booking. Savings are subject to availability and may be withdrawn at any time without notice. Offer is combinable with brochure discounts and other promotional offers. Other conditions may apply. CST#2077132-20 **Save $200 per person on new bookings with air booked and paid in full 03/03/17-04/27/17. Valid on all Europe vacations departing 04/01/17 through 10/31/17, any airline. Valid on new bookings only; subject to availability; may be withdrawn at any time without notice; combinable with brochure discounts; not combinable with other promotional airfare offers; other conditions apply. Prices are per person, land only, based on double occupancy, vary by departure and are subject to availability.
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