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New Global Currency Could End The Dollar for Good Savvy Americans Rush to Secret IRS Code to Save Retirement Experts Warn: Worst Crisis of Lifetime to Strike in 2017
  Must Reads  
General Kelly Boots 'The Mooch' From Communications Director
Katie Pavlich
It's been just a few hours since General John Kelly was sworn in as President Trump's chief of staff and he's already making it clear who's in charge.
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The White House Isn't Giving Up on Obamacare Repeal
Katie Pavlich
Brutal: Poll Spells Big Trouble For Dems With White Working Class Voters
Guy Benson
J.K. Rowling Still Hasn't Deleted Tweet Saying Trump Snubbed a Disabled Child
Christine Rousselle
Dem Campaign Chair: No Abortion Litmus Test for Candidates
Lauretta Brown
John Kelly Sworn in as Chief of Staff
Christine Rousselle
Susan Collins Relishes in No Vote on Healthcare After Receiving 'Amazing' Welcome Home
Leah Barkoukis
New Global Currency Could End The Dollar for Good
Savvy Americans Rush to Secret IRS Code to Save Retirement
Experts Warn: Worst Crisis of Lifetime to Strike in 2017
Huckabee: It's Time to Repeal the 17th Amendment
Leah Barkoukis

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The Presidency and the Constitution-- Free Online Course
Promoted By: Hillsdale College
The American presidency is often called the most powerful office on earth.
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MS-13: Who Are They?
Katie Pavlich

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State Dept Slams Venezuelan Elections, Vows 'Strong and Swift' Response
Leah Barkoukis

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Conservatives Double Down on Repeal of Obama Admin Sexual Assault Policy
Reagan McCarthy

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Flake Writes 'Secret' Book in Which He Describes What's Wrong With Republican Party
Cortney O'Brien

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Nikki Haley on North Korea: 'The Time for Talk is Over'
Jennifer Van Laar

[Keep Reading]
Trump Insists There's No Chaos at the White House
Leah Barkoukis
After recent shakeups in the Trump administration, including former Press Secretary Sean Spicer’s resignation following the hiring of communications director Anthony Scaramucci, and former Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly’s appointment as chief of staff following Reince Priebus’s ousting, President Trump insists all is well at the White House.
[Keep Reading]
Not So Fast: Are Republicans Reviving Their 'Dead' Obamacare Repeal Push?
Guy Benson
With ugly recriminations underway following their humiliating failure to pass any legislation that would even approach fulfilling a years-long parade of campaign promises to repeal and replace Democrats' failing healthcare law, Republicans are pondering their next move.
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New Global Currency Could End The Dollar for Good
Savvy Americans Rush to Secret IRS Code to Save Retirement
Experts Warn: Worst Crisis of Lifetime to Strike in 2017
Columnists & Tipsheet
Portland Scientists Edit Embryo Genes
Anna Timmis
Anna Timmis
The 7 Republican Obamacare Judases in The Senate
John Hawkins
John Hawkins
The Military Coup Against Donald Trump of 2018, Part 1
Kurt Schlichter
Kurt Schlichter
Immigration Reform: Let's Focus on Merit, Not Family Reunion
Helen Raleigh
Helen Raleigh
Can General John Kelly bring Function to a Dysfunctional White House?
Allen West
Allen West
Residents Revolt after Govt Removes "Offensive" American Flags
Todd Starnes
Todd Starnes
American Imams for Pogroms
Brent Bozell
Brent Bozell
Democrats and Trump: Both Behaving Irrationally
Michael Barone
Michael Barone
Trump's Circular Firing Squad
Victor Davis Hanson
Victor Davis Hanson
It Was Not a Week of Winning
Derek Hunter
Derek Hunter
Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms favicon
Maine: Ballot Initiative Reform Legislation Needs Your Help | Staff
Alien Gear Bashes Police for Shooting Armed Suspect ACTIVELY SHOOTING AT POLICE | Jenn Jacques
Chris W. Cox: Important Second Amendment Legislative Issues | Jenn Jacques
Arkansas Police Shoot, Kill 16-Year-Old Boy Outside Emergency Shelter for Youths | Jenn Jacques
72-Year-Old Man Fights Back, Shoots Armed Robbers | Jenn Jacques
Political News
Police chief, bodyguard found slain in central Mexico | AP News
Billions down the drain as new nuclear plants scrapped | AP News
The Latest: White House says Trump was joking about police | AP News
Ex-Sheriff Joe Arpaio convicted of ignoring judge's order | AP News
The Latest: Trump presents Medal of Honor to former medic | AP News
New Global Currency Could End The Dollar for Good Savvy Americans Rush to Secret IRS Code to Save Retirement Experts Warn: Worst Crisis of Lifetime to Strike in 2017
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