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Hillary Used The Same Provision Trump Did To Lessen Her Tax Burden... And So Did The New York Times
Matt Vespa
This week is bound to be a frustrating circus of media folks crying foul over something that isn’t illegal.
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Clinton Campaign Manager ‘Reticent’ To Comment On Whether Hillary Mulled Drone Strike On Wikileaks
Matt Vespa
The Vice Presidential Debate is Tonight. Here's What You Need to Know.
Erika Haas
Ha: Watch What This Group of Millennials Does When Asked About Clinton
Christine Rousselle
Bill Clinton: Obamacare Is 'The Craziest Thing In The World'
Matt Vespa
Assange Again Promises 'Significant' US Election Leaks
Leah Barkoukis
Biden: It's 'Embarrassing' That Socialist Sanders' Net Worth Is More Than Mine
Leah Barkoukis
Fail: 'Ailing' Obamacare May Not Survive, Says...the New York Times
Guy Benson

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How to Restore the Most Powerful Office on Earth
Promoted By: Hillsdale College
As our country prepares to choose new leadership in 2016, Americans must have a proper understanding of the role of thee Executive Branch, according to the Constitution.
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Report: Clinton Mulled Killing Wikileaks' Julian Assange With A Drone Strike
Matt Vespa

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Iran's New Attack Drone is Replica of US Drone Shot Down in 2011
Justin Holcomb

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Ed Klein: Guilty as Sin Staff

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Hell NO: Duke University Now Has Safe Spaces For Men To Cure Them Of Toxic Masculinity
Matt Vespa

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Czech President Calls For All Economic Migrants To Be Deported
Christine Rousselle

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Two Out of Five Americans Cannot Name The VP Candidates Of Either Party
Christine Rousselle
Tonight is the vice presidential debate between Democrat Sen. Tim Kaine and Republican Gov. Mike Pence, and a new poll shows that a solid chunk of Americans have no clue who either of these people are.
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Alarm Bells: New Polls Show Trump Down Ten in PA, Six in NC
Guy Benson
I know what some of you are thinking: Oh great, another negative polling post from Benson, a known 'Never Trump' traitor. He's just gleefully spiking the football because he wants to be proven right about Trump's electability. As Trump would say: "Wrong."
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Columnists & Tipsheet
Thanks Obamacare: Prostitutes Say It Is "Truly a Blessing"
Sarah Jean Seman
Sarah Jean Seman
Dunbar High School After 100 Years
Thomas Sowell
Thomas Sowell
The Academic Curtain
Thomas Sowell
Thomas Sowell
Clinton Won on Nonsense, Trump Won on Substance
Dennis Prager
Dennis Prager
ECU: Future Band Protests “Will Not Be Tolerated”
Todd Starnes
Todd Starnes
Voters Reject John Lennon's 'World as One'
Michael Barone
Michael Barone
If I Were Trump's Speechwriter
Neal Boortz
Neal Boortz
Faith and the VP debate
Cal Thomas
Cal Thomas
Aborting the Trump Revolution
Pat Buchanan
Pat Buchanan
Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms favicon
FBI: Gun Owners Set New Gun-Buying Record in September | Beth Baumann
Victims Shot Outside Minneapolis Police Department Remain Uncooperative With Police | Jenn Jacques
Opening the Gun Vault on Tom Knapp’s First Gun | Jenn Jacques
Robbery Suspect Threatens to Inject Woman with HIV | Beth Baumann
Beautiful: ‘No Guns Allowed’ Signs to be Removed From AL Parks | Jenn Jacques
Political News
LAPD releases video showing suspect with gun before shooting | AP News
Ex-officer charged in homeless man's death testifies | AP News
The Latest: Clinton camp says they didn't leak Trump taxes | AP News
UN urges Sudan to cooperate in any chemical weapons probe | AP News
Ex-concert promoter gets 18+ years in prison for $200M fraud | AP News
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