Well, the release of "What Happened" is upon us. If you thought Hillary Clinton would take responsibility for the 2016 loss, you were right. [Keep Reading]
Many Americans know the Constitution well -- they understand how it protects their freedoms and paved the way for a great nation to be built. But many more Americans don't know enough about it. How much do you know about the Constitution? [Take the quiz now]
Most of the media downplayed or ignored last week's revelation that fired FBI Director James Comey began drafting a statement exonerating former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton of any crimes connected to her email scandal -- about which she lied repeatedly -- months before the Bureau's investigative work had been concluded. [Keep Reading]
House Speaker Paul Ryan offered up an explanation for why President Trump sided with Democrats Wednesday in postponing a fight over government funding and the debt limit until December: the president didnât want a âfood fight.â [Keep Reading]
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