This trade only had a $2 risk to the upside and a $2 risk to the downside.
As the week continued, Ben sent out updates to help cover any dead zone risks making this a “no-lose” trade.
Not every trade looks as good as that.
Obviously, the trades are not home runs every time
But that isn’t what we are going for.
We are going for small, consistent wins with very low risks.
This combination, through the power of compounding, can produce explosive numbers in a short period of time.
And with Ben’s signal service, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.
Here is what some of Ben’s subscribers have to say:
“I absolutely love getting these emails every week. It’s not often that I actually place your trades but seeing your patterns and reasoning is of great value to me so I signed up. Well worth the price of admission as they say. I will probably put on a few lots going forward to complement my own trades.
Using your patterns as a reference, I am now making 1,000/week on average with my trades on a consistent basis. Using Ryan’s compounding techniques, I fully and reasonably expect to retire early in the next couple of years.”
Robb L.
I absolutely LOVE your service and appreciate what you and Ryan do (I’ve been a friend of Ryan’s for years and have been an investor too).
Stan C.
Account is up 45% and my only loser in the last 3 months was 1 of 3 trades last week…And the loss was a fraction of what the others gained. Between your service, some of RJ’s trades, and ones I’ve found on my own, things are looking great. Appreciate you!
Jeff N.
The service is taking shape and for us that are following the system since a while and watching how it is improved during its history, having your explanations in your videos is very important to get even more knowledge.
Being able to make trades that several of us may be able to find on their own and that are similar to yours knowing that you too are trading those formations for sure gives a really accelerating to the confidence that students need.
Guido A.
Ben also shoots out weekly videos explaining the trades as a bonus to help subscribers learn as much as possible.
The Cash Flow Option Spreads approach is unlike anything you have ever seen or traded. This is a great way to get started.
It’s a game-changer.
Trade Smart, Retire Wealthy,
Ryan Jones
P.S. Look far and wide, you will not find trade opportunities like this being revealed anywhere in the industry. Most so-called “Option Gurus” don’t even know they exist, much less how to find them.