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November 14, 2016



Manufacturing: A Campaign Promise That Cannot Be Kept

The next president will usher in changes to U.S. economic and trade policies. But he will likely find a wide gap between theory and practice as he tries to deliver on many of his campaign promises.

Plus: listen to our Stratfor Talks podcast episode on the Challenges Facing the Next U.S. President.


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Geopolitics, Science and Disruptive Technologies

Disruptive technologies can lead to major geopolitical shifts.



A Change of Pace for the World Economy

After years of willing inflation, central banks may be getting their wish.



Hong Kong Chafes Under China's Rule 

Beijing is tightening its grip over the city, inciting the very calls for independence it is trying to silence.



In Syria, Aleppo's Fate Is Sealed 

The city's fall to loyalist troops is no longer a matter of if, but when. 


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