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The researchers hope the gel could be supplied to athletes at the 2032 Brisbane Olympics, and heralds widespread application for Traditional Knowledge, while maintaining Aboriginal ownership.

Researchers have shown that the resulting risk of extinction due to a lack of male green sea turtles may be compounded by pollution.

Using satellite images and a unique archive of historical aerial photos, researchers compiled the most complete picture of Greenland’s outlying glaciers to date.

Many birds pull in their wings, folding them closer to their bodies, to pass through small apertures. However, hummingbird maneuverability is not as straightforward because they do not have the ability to fold their wings at the wrists and elbows.

A new antifungal molecule, devised by tweaking the structure of prominent antifungal drug Amphotericin B, has the potential to harness the drug’s power against fungal infections while doing away with its toxicity.

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