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The next major revision of the OASIS assessment is underway - prepare now to prevent productivity losses.
The new Section GG items are expected to take more time as clinicians gather the necessary information. In addition, the new items may require some policy changes around how nurses and therapists collaborate and share information.

Join OASIS expert and therapist Arlynn Hansell for a live webinar as she shares how clinicians can capture the new information in the least amount of time. In addition to the new GG items, Hansell will review the items that clinicians will no longer need to answer. This comprehensive webinar will help you:
  • Understand what items will be added and what items will be deleted in the final OASIS-D item set
  • Maximize productivity and ensure correct responses by encouraging collaboration between nurses and therapists
  • Update policies to comply with the expanded one-clinician rule
  • Identify challenges and overlap between new Section GG items and existing items capturing activities of daily living
Make sure your agency is ahead of the game! Get ready now to prepare for these imminent changes and new challenges to ensure your outcomes don’t suffer.
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