Digital Marketing Depot

Deliver a Modern Digital CX: A Guide for Marketing Innovators

No one fully understands the long-term effect COVID-19 will have on societies or regional economies. But the impact it’s having on brands is becoming clearer by the day. Customer loyalty to brands is low, while the cost of acquiring customers is high. Marketers need to focus on creating and sustaining engagement with each and every customer.

For their new e-book, “Deliver a Modern Digital CX: A Guide for Marketing Innovators,” Acquia worked with Vanson Bourne to collect the views of 8,000 consumers and 800 marketers across Australia, Brazil, France, Germany, Japan, Singapore, the United Kingdom and the United States.

Customer behaviors have shifted during the crisis and may not revert to pre-pandemic norms. The survey explores shifts in marketing and consumer expectations about CX and privacy.

Download this Research Report to learn how marketers can transform their CX in fundamental, business-impacting ways.

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