October 25, 2016
Transform Your Life with Reiki & more courses

Dear DailyOM Friend,

We're honored to share with you these on-line courses on DailyOM this week:

Transform Your Life with Reiki by Rosalyn Light - This 8 week course with Reiki Master and Health Counselor, Rosalyn Light, will teach you how to send and receive the healing light of Reiki. Reiki is a simple, easy to learn healing modality; a tool that assists you in opening and receiving the ability to bring healing light and energies through from the higher dimensions of light. By sending this healing energy to your body, home, and relationships, or any other area of your life you can transform your life into a higher flow of light and love. Learning Reiki can boost your life to a new level allowing you to create a deeper connection to your own inner wisdom, higher self, or your angels and guides. Through this course you will learn what a Reiki attunement is and how it can amplify your ability to give Reiki, how to connect with your higher self to awaken your inner healer, how to give yourself a healing Reiki treatment, and how to transform areas of your life with Reiki. This healing energy can help to heal disease, amplify your spiritual gifts, balance your left and right brain hemispheres, and assist your body to be healthy so you can achieve happiness. more

Balance Your Chakra Energies by Becky Hays - This 8 week course from Certified Hypnotherapist, Becky Hays, will help you balance your Chakras to get rid of negative energy that causes dis-ease in the body and in the mind. Do you want more balance in your life, as in balancing work, play, family, health, creative expression and spirituality? Are you super busy, and you know you should meditate, but just can't seem to find the time? Balancing the Chakras is an easy way to slip into a daily meditation that will allow you to relax and feel better. The word 'Chakra' is derived from a Sanskrit word meaning wheel, or a better translation might be spinning wheel. When your Chakras are out of balance, your life is out of balance. This may show up as anger, depression or anxiety. This course will teach you how Chakra balancing affects your health and well-being, and give you a complete seven Chakra balancing meditation. You will release anger and fear, enhance feelings of being safe and protected, and experience more pleasure and fulfillment in your life. more

Super Charge Your Divine Connection by Danielle Rama Hoffman - In this 22 day course with Divine Transmitter, Danielle Rama Hoffman, you will receive 22 initiations to awaken your Infinite Self so you can complete patterns of separation consciousness (lack, fear, holding back) and live from Unity Consciousness (abundance, love and connection). Have you ever felt the pain of feeling separate from Source? Are there areas in your life that leave you feeling discouraged by a sense of lack? Have you noticed that even when things improve in external areas, it doesn't quite quench the deep longing you have for more? The problem is that unless you permanently shift your energy and consciousness, whatever "blocks" you've released come back and the expansion you create doesn't last, leaving you to "pop" in-and-out of your connection with Source. Through this course you will tap into your soul's lineage, move out of victim consciousness, and restore your nervous system. Join Thoth, The Council of Light, Isis, Archangel Michael, Mary Magdalene and other Ascended Masters to ignite your signature energy, evolve your consciousness and amplify your direct connection with Source. more

Learn How the Tarot Relates to You by Gwendolyn - In this 22 day course with Intuitive Reader, Gwendolyn, you will discover the ancient archetypes contained in the Tarot's Major Arcana, and which of them you may identify with. The story of the Major Arcana is called the Fool's Journey, and serves as a metaphor for the cycles of development of the personality and the soul. Study of this powerful archetypal imagery can aid in understanding life's challenges and triumphs, as well as roles people play (including ourselves). Have you experienced the sudden shocking change depicted by Tower? Have you felt the cyclical nature of life as depicted by Wheel of Fortune? This course will cover each one of the Major Arcana cards of the Tarot in order, according to the story of the Fool's Journey and his development along the path of the Tarot. Each card will be covered in-depth in terms of imagery, symbology, and meaning, as well as numerological and astrological correspondences. This course is designed for anyone who is interested in learning the Tarot, from beginners to those who would like to further and deepen their knowledge of its use. more

Psychic Opening for Absolute Beginners by Sara Wiseman - In this 8 week course with spiritual teacher and intuitive, Sara Wiseman, you will learn to access your intuition and wade in the waters of a higher level of consciousness. At its core, intuition is a spiritual practice. In this course you will fully explore the key components of intuition in an experiential manner – hands on, experiencing it for yourself. You will learn spiritual intuition in a way that will make it simple for you to experience Divine infusion and states of higher consciousness. This includes: how to notice and trust the deep knowing in your body and understand your physical reactions, how to clearly read and follow the signs and synchronicities that the Divine is continually sending your way, and how to use the psychic information you receive to heal wounds from your past and create a life of true happiness and joy. more

Also, be sure to check out the following most popular courses on DailyOM:

1. A Year to Clear What is Holding You Back!
2. 21 Day Yoga Shred
3. 8 Week Whole Body Makeover!
4. Release Yourself from Family Karma
5. Reinventing The Body, Resurrecting the Soul
6. Heal Yourself with Writing
7. Break the Grip of Past Lovers
8. Overcoming Self-Sabotage
9. Become a Spiritual Psychic in 28 Days
10. Be Free from Unhealthy Relationships

For more information visit:
> DailyOM Courses


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