Nurse leaders connect with their peers at HealthLeaders CNO Exchange to discuss solutions to transform patient care.
Monday, February 4, 2019

Make a peer connection!

One of the best parts of my job is helping nurses connect with other nurses. My goal when I create this weekly eNewsletter is to curate information that can spark ideas and inspire you to reach out to your peers in the nursing community. At HealthLeaders annual Chief Nursing Officer Exchange, I get to be privy to the challenges nurse leaders are facing and hear the details about solutions. Today's feature article will give you a taste of what's on the minds of nurse executives. And, if the event is something in which you'd like to participate, please feel free to reach out to me. You can find my contact information at the bottom of this newsletter.

Also in this issue:

  • Huddles improve safety during violent patient transfers.
  • A tool tracks health system board performance.
  • The personal toll of whistleblowing.

Transforming Patient Care: 5 Nurse Leaders Offer Insight
Nurse leaders connect with their peers at HealthLeaders CNO Exchange to discuss solutions to transform patient care. Read on to learn more about their insights.
5-Step 'Huddle' Boosts Safety in Violent Patient Transfers
Mayo Clinic develops handoff tool for potentially violent patients that features exchange of behavioral information between care teams. Learn how to implement this tool at your organization.
Assessment Tool Allows Health System Boards to Track Their Performance
A framework of knowledge competencies for trustees and an assessment tool to gauge board performance is anticipated by the IHI to improve health system quality and safety.
Transforming Patient Care and Experience
A dialogue of ideas and strategies to gain best practices took place among three dozen nursing and patient experience executives during the 2018 HealthLeaders CNO Exchange. During the two-day roundtable event, executives learned how peers are successfully redesigning care delivery. Click here to download the report.
Community Hospitals Link Arms with Prestigious Facilities to Raise Their Profiles
These agreements, which can involve different levels of clinical integration, typically grant community hospitals access to experts and specialized services at the larger hospitals while allowing them to remain independently owned and operated.
Medicare Advantage Plans Could Cover Meal Deliveries Next Year
The CMS proposal for 2020 would give plans more flexibility to cover supplemental benefits for people with chronic illnesses, including those suffering from chronic pain or undergoing treatment for addiction. Will this be a positive for population health?

Must Reads

In anti-union era, nurses prove the power of organized labor
Nurses pushing for more security as donations pour in for Froedtert nurse practitioner
IU Health makes changes to attract new nurses
The personal toll of whistle-blowing
The New Yorker
Allegheny Health Network reports $3.3B in operating revenue, up 6.9% from 2017
Pittsburgh Tribune-Review

Thanks for reading this issue. I've been hearing feedback from many of you, and I love it! Keep it coming! You can reach me at jthew@healthleaders media or via Twitter @jen_NurseEditor. Have a wonderful day!


Jennifer Thew, RN
Senior Content Specialist, Nursing