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Wednesday, November 1, 2017
Top Stories

Transguard Group inaugurates $1m training facility in Dubai

Transguard Group's newly opened Centre of Excellence, located in Dubai Investment Park, will host training courses for up to 450 staff members per day

UAE FM market will be worth $6.6bn by 2022

A report found that the UAE's FM industry is currently worth $3.68bn, and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 12.5%

Experts: Understanding big data key to building management

Its important to understand the nature of big data and how to extract energy savings out of its reporting systems

UAE asset managers urged to be proactive against legionnaires' disease

Experts say that the UAE government has been at the forefront of preventing the disease and is approaching the cause proactively

Honeywell launches home automation system

Honeywell's home automation system allows occupants to control HVAC equipment, lighting systems, electrical sockets, and garage doors from a single user interface

How technology is impacting FM jobs

Technology will automate several jobs in the future, but it’s important to keep staff engaged

Dubai Municipality wins seven awards for waste management

Seven awards won across three different awards functions - Waste Department qualifies for 'Global Ideas Award for 2018'

Dubai's Nakheel records $1bn net profit in 9M 2017

The company also confirmed it had handed over 1,200 units in 2017 to date, with an additional 23,000 under construction across Dubai

Features & Interviews

Property management and FM need to work stronger together

Property management firms ensure real estate space is managed on behalf of the owner, making the function all the more important in the interest of sustaining a property – and the overall building – in the long run

fmME top product launches of October

Products launches and news that’s relevant to the FM industry

The changing dynamic of security in Dubai

A directive from the Security Industry Regulatory Agency has increased the minimum wage for security personnel in Dubai, and companies such as World Security have welcomed the change


Comment: Are tenants getting their due?

Oft times property management firms and leasing agents handover apartments in questionable condition, tenants need to be more vigilant during the snag period

Restoration of Maali elementary school
Construction of 2 classrooms for Maali elementary school


In Pictures: Construction updates from the Expo 2020 Dubai site
In Pictures: Novotel Sharjah Expo hotel, UAE
Video: MEP sector sees potential for large-scale projects

Special Reports

Rapid Access’ grows high-access cleaning fleet
Why architects need to consider better façade maintenance
Rapid Access’ grows high-access cleaning fleet

magazine cover image COVER STORY
Face to Face: Khaled Al Huraimel, group CEO, Bee’ah
Riad Raad
Advertising Director, B2B Digital
Direct: +971 4 444 3319
GSM: +971 50 702 2970
Vinay Ravindran
Sales Manager
Direct: +971 4 444 3155
GSM: +971 55 810 1197
Nikhil Pereira
Deputy Editor, Facilities Management Middle East
+971 4 444 3426
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