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U.S. energy sector has reached a turning point on transmission, report says

The stars may finally be aligning to enable the buildout of significant new transmission capacity in the U.S. energy market, according to the latest industry insight report from law firm Troutman Pepper.


The report, Unlocking U.S. Transmission Upgrades – Are We on The Cusp of Real Progress?, reflects upon the views of a range of market actors seeking to plan, build or benefit from new transmission infrastructure. It argues that recent legislative reforms, funding opportunities, and improved state-federal coordination have created an opportunity for energy companies and regulators to converge on solutions and remove long-standing roadblocks to new transmission.

Having interviewed transmission experts tasked with delivering transmission upgrades, as well as energy companies dependent upon their success, the report finds four major obstacles to progress:

  1. Planning: The unpredictability of interconnection queues remains a severe headache for project developers. But transmission planners also suffer from the uncertainty created by speculative generation projects.
  2. Permitting: Without a major streamlining of processes across state and federal jurisdictions, grid upgrades simply take too long to permit.
  3. Practicalities: A shortage of skilled people and essential equipment threatens to present future pinch points unless addressed today.
  4. Paying for upgrades: The build-out of new transmission capacity is capital-intensive and the industry will need to clearly communicate the benefits while passing a fair proportion of cost to consumer bills.


Read more to see why the report argues that recent and ongoing regulatory reforms paint a case for optimism, despite these obstacles.


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The upgrades are meant to increase the electrical capacity of the power lines by 66%, from 650MW to 1,080MW, to support the growing demand in the Ottawa area.
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The Action Plan aims to address the main challenges in expanding, digitalizing, and better using EU electricity transmission and distribution grids.
With abundant natural resources, the Southeast has a unique opportunity to maximize DERs, but the region still lags on the progress made in other parts of the country. Registration is live, join us alongside DISTRIBUTECH International on February 26, 2024, in Orlando, FL!
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The changes are designed to accelerate the development of EV charging infrastructure to combat "range anxiety" and ensure New Yorkers have access to EV charging.
The project is part of a national effort to improve grid reliability, optimize electricity infrastructure, and facilitate grid connection with renewable resources.
The city of Chelsea and Boston’s Chinatown neighborhood are each moving forward with microgrid projects that supporters hope will be powerful case studies for other communities to follow.
As a partner to both the U.S. Department of Commerce and Energize Ukraine, DISTRIBUTECH International facilitated these critical and timely discussions.
The shutoffs caused the plaintiff and other customers to go"many days" without power, the suit said, and thus the plaintiff sought compensation for losses.
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