Earth Day is the world's biggest environmental movement.

Hi friend,

In just 7 days, it will be Earth Day. Don’t miss your chance to be a part of the world’s biggest environmental movement! 

With Team Sierra, people are raising money for the planet and getting involved in many ways, like hiking, planting trees, but also,picking up trash

#Trashtag is a new challenge where countless numbers of people across the world are: 
  • Taking a photo of an area that needs cleaning or maintenance.  
  • Cleaning and picking up trash in this area.
  • Then taking a photo after the area has been cleaned and posting the before and after photos on social media with the hashtag #trashtag.
It’s a beautiful challenge that’s making our communities better, and we love it. You can take it one step further and ask people to pledge $5 for every hour your pick-up trash!

The money raised will protect the places you live by doing things like transitioning cities to 100% renewable energy, shutting down coal plants, and protecting public lands. 

This Earth Day, will you join Team Sierra to raise money for our planet and clean up a space in your corner of the planet?

Make your community a better and cleaner place on Earth Day.

Thank you for protecting your corner,

Jessica Dean
Associate Director, Team Sierra 

If you've already signed up, THANK YOU! We're still processing donations and registrations. 
Team Sierra

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