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ASTA Advocacy Awareness Day
ASTA Advocacy Awareness Day is BACK! 

Join us on Facebook on October 19th as we celebrate the wins and ongoing efforts of ASTA advocacy to raise the visibility of our profession with lawmakers. 
Our theme this year - Travel Advisors Unite!
The mission of Advocacy Awareness Day is to unite the industry under one voice, so we focus on the future of our profession and rise from the greatest setback our industry has experienced. 
Join all day or pop in throughout the day to attend one of the 30-minute sessions with your hosts, Vanessa McGovern & Shannon Cunningham of Gifted Travel Network, starting at 10 am ET on October 19th! 
We are stronger together, and we need each other by supporting ASTA to advocate daily to protect and defend our interests. 
When: Tuesday, October 19, 2021 starting at 10 AM ET
Where: ASTA's Facebook Page - @ASTATravelAdvisors
(no rsvp required!)

Add event to calendar for a reminder!

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Sent by: The American Society of Travel Advisors, 675 N Washington St, Suite 490, Alexandria, VA 22314 
© ASTA. ASTA owns the federal copyrights for the ASTA related information.

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