February 11, 2023
Dear Valued Reader,

Happy Super Bowl Weekend!  In case you'd like something to read inbetween the chicken wing course and the nachos course, here's what you might have missed at Stock Gumshoe this week...

We started the week with a look at Porter Stansberry's "Treasuries on Steroids" ... and if you like that super-high yielder, well, it's got an even higher yield now.  Just click below to...

In 2022 Paul Allen’s historic art collection shattered the record for largest sale in auction history.

$1.6 billion in just hours … amid epic drawdowns in every financial market.

Institutions like Goldman Sachs are taking notice.

Over the last 26 years including three recessions contemporary art price appreciation outpaced the S&P 500 and gold.

But this time it’s not just the ultra-wealthy benefitting.

Thanks to Masterworks.

This unicorn investment platform allows everyday people to invest in shares of multi-million dollar art by names like Banksy and Picasso. (The same type of work sold at Allen’s record setting auctions.)

Even better, seven of Masterworks’ eight last exits have realized net annual returns of 17.8%.

That’s not cherry-picking – that’s a track record you can take to the bank.

Want to see what’s currently available?

You can skip the waitlist with this private link.


We checked in on the "obscure footnote" teaser pitch from JR Butts, too -- is this really like buying a new Corvette for $1,000?  My take is here.

Doc Gumshoe popped in with an update on Osteoporosis, which seems to come for almost all of us eventually -- latest from Michael here.

Some readers asked about a Motley Fool pitch -- they're saying Apple invested $410 million in this company, and it holds the key to augmented reality leadership.  I don't know about that, but the value is interesting here.

For your Friday File, I got a little ranting off my chest about the high-stakes AI battle between Microsoft (MSFT) and Alphabet (GOOG), and the crazy AI stock speculation in general.  Also did a little more buying in some undervalued holdings, details below...

Stock Gumshoe | travis@stockgumshoe.com | www.stockgumshoe.com
351 Pleasant St., Suite B #205, Northampton, MA 01060
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