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New Treatment Restores Sense of Smell in Patients with Long-COVID

Laboratory Equipment’s 11th annual Holiday Gift Guide is here with some great ideas for the science nerd if your life—or for yourself.

The Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcano changed the chemistry and dynamics of the stratosphere in the year following the eruption, leading to unprecedented losses in the ozone layer of up to 7%.

The tool, called Facemap, uses deep neural networks to map information about a mouse’s eye, whisker, nose, and mouth movements onto neural activity.

Understanding how clumps form could lead to effective methods to dissolve them or prevent them from forming, but studying the mechanisms underlying these protein interactions has been difficult.

Published to coincide with STEM Day, the new study looked at all 38 OECD member countries and multiple variables, including the number of STEM job vacancies in each country, to complete the ranking.

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