Virtual Roundtable: TRINITY and ARTEMIS

It's the one-year anniversary of the launch of the TRINITY 2 and ARTEMIS 2, and to celebrate, ARRI are hosting two online panel discussions. Product Manager Curt Schaller will be welcoming nine experienced TRINITY and ARTEMIS operators, who will share advice, best practices, and behind the scenes from their projects. We're extremely excited for Australia to be represented by our very own Mark Goellnicht!

Session 1: Thursday, April 27th | 5:00 - 6:15pm
Leon Moralic
Christopher Ang 
Mark Goellnicht
Torben Meldgaard

Session 2: Friday, April 28th | 2:00 - 3:15am
Fares Corbani SOC, ACO 
Ari Robbins SOC
Junior Lucano SOC, ACO
Nestor Salazar
Sean Flannery

To join us, register using the link below!
Register here!

Introducing the ARRI ZMU-4

Rugged, weather-resistant, and ergonomically designed, the ZMU-4 seamlessly transitions between wired and wireless configurations. Multiple response curves and sensitivity profiles allow the user to personalize their control for precise zooms.

Key Features of the ZMU-4
  • Precise zoom control with force-sensitive joystick 
  • Easy switch between wired and wireless operation 
  • Supports all ARRI ECS radio modules 
  • Combine with an OCU-1 for a sleek, 2-axis hand unit 
  • Easily readable status display with lens data ​​​​​​​
  • Robust, weather-proof, ergonomic design

For more info, check out the ZMU-4 Tech Talk.
ARRI Tech Talk: Introducing the ZMU-4 Zoom Control
Email us for a quote!

Demo Impression Filters for Signature Primes

We've landed our first shipment of the Impression V Filters, and we now have a demo set available for you to try out.

They're currently touring New Zealand, and will be back in Australia in a couple of weeks. 

If you'd like to explore the various detuned and vintage looks from the positive and negative Impression Filters, get in touch. We have a set of demo Signature Primes and Zooms for you to try them with. 
Email us for a demo!
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