Google group aims to end workplace cyberbullying | Trump administration creating new obstacles to getting H-1B visas | Encourage hard work without burning everyone out
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About 100 Google employees have banded together to form an anti-cyberbullying initiative, urging parent Alphabet to adopt policies that protect employees. The group wants protection for use of internal forums and seeks punishment for people who leak conversations.
Several policies implemented by the Trump administration are making it more difficult for skilled foreign workers to obtain H-1B visas to hold jobs in the US. Dean Garfield, president of the Information Technology Industry Council, said H-1B visa applicants are seeing "a level of scrutiny and interrogatory that is unprecedented."
Effective workplace incentive programs Traditional employee incentive programs are giving way to social recognition in order to meet evolving employee demands. Discover the impacts to employee productivity and ROI. Read the third article in our how to series on employee engagement.
Companies say they're taking steps to improve workers' retirement readiness, but the results aren't showing up in terms of increased confidence, according to a Willis Towers Watson survey. The number of people surveyed who expect they'll need to work past age 70 rose to 37% in 2017 from 30% in 2015.
Organization leaders who make self-care a priority acknowledge that they need to step away from the job once in a while to do it well, an attitude that can have a positive effect on their staff. Experts say CEOs may have to convince their boards of the merit of self-care and take a proactive role in communicating the importance of wellness to staff.