Plus, how Hurricane Ida is a manmade disaster, and more...

August 30, 2021
Be Glad Donald Trump Isn’t Running the Show in Afghanistan
The former president's recent rhetoric over the U.S. withdraw is a potent reminder of his lack of fitness for command.
by Michael Tomasky
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The cynical rise of a scam Covid-19 cure-all.
by Natalie Shure
The right bought race and trans hysteria to school board meetings in once-scarlet red Loudoun County. But guess which side won?
by Max B. Sawicky
The same fossil fuel industry whose emissions helped intensify the storm also modified the Louisiana coastline to make it more vulnerable to flooding.
by Jake Bittle
Mark Zuckerberg’s overhyped hybrid virtual/physical world is a distraction from the company’s real problems—and ours.
by Jacob Silverman
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