TODAY'S TOP STORIES - March 15, 2017

Bannon and Trump Quietly Have Installed an Alt-National Security Council Operating Inside the White House

By Jefferson Morley, AlterNet

The Strategic Initiatives Group is the White House pipeline to the white nationalists of the European right. READ MORE»

How Our Political System Has Cracked—and Why It Probably Can't Be Fixed

By Neal Gabler,

What ever happened to the separation of powers? READ MORE»

The Political Scheming Behind Jeff Sessions' Massive Prosecutor Purge

By Heather Digby Parton, Salon

Was last week's mass firing of U.S. attorneys just Trump paranoia—or an attempt to shut down an investigation? READ MORE»

Republicans Are Determined to Destroy Health Safety Nets, Whether or Not Their Latest Effort Passes

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

New federal Medicaid and Medicare director penalized recipients and privatized programs in Indiana under VP Pence.  READ MORE»

Sanders Slams Big Pharma for Pumping 780 Million Opioid Pills Into West Virginia 'Trump Country'

By Tana Ganeva, Raw Story

His progressive message struck a chord with West Virginians grappling with addiction and poverty.  READ MORE»

Doctors and Nurses Are Increasingly Helping Criminalize Pregnant Women and Mothers

By Linda C. Fentiman, AlterNet

American law mistreats mothers and pregnant women in the name of protecting children. READ MORE»

Noam Chomsky Makes a Prediction for the U.S. Economy No One Can Afford to Dismiss

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

The legendary linguist and philosopher warns the Trump bump won't last. READ MORE»

Telling the Anti-Vaccine Community They're Wrong Has Been Tried for Years Now, and It Doesn't Work—Here's Another Approach

By Noelle Sullivan, AlterNet

If we want more people to vaccinate, we should try to understand the concerns anti-vaccine parents have. READ MORE»

Can Humans Truly Connect With Nature by Eating a Big Mac?

By Marc Bekoff, Psychology Today

A recent essay titled "Toward a Moral Case for Meat Eating" has attracted a lot of attention. READ MORE»

The Surprising Source of Improving Female Health and Well-Being in Developing Countries

By Asi Burak, Laura Parker, St. Martin's Press

The celebrity-adored "Half the Sky" movement went from book to video game to reach women and girls. READ MORE»

A Look at How Trump Is Pushing Wholesale Corporate Takeover of the Government

By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!

Welcome to the United States of America, Inc. READ MORE»

This Dazzling Movie Captures the Suffering Palestinians Experience Every Day in Israel

By Ben Norton, AlterNet

Palestinian rapper Tamer Nafar and Israeli filmmaker Udi Aloni discuss their new film "Junction 48." READ MORE»

How Effective a Weapon Is Satire Against Tyranny?

By Ferne Pearlstein, Robert Edwards, AlterNet

The chronology of resistance through political humor hits theaters this March.  READ MORE»

Big Brother in the Bedroom: Vibrator Maker Ordered to Pay Damages for Tracking Customers' Sexual Behavior

By Alex Hern, The Guardian

Canadian manufacturer We-Vibe collected data about temperature and vibration intensity, revealing intimate information without customers’ knowledge. READ MORE»

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