TODAY'S TOP STORIES - December 20, 2017

The GOP Tax Bill Rammed Through Congress on Tuesday Paves the Way to Defund and Dismantle Federal Government

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Financial experts call it unworkable—and that's what many Republicans want. READ MORE»

Wall of Shame: Top 10 Climate Deniers in the Trump Administration

By Mary Mazzoni, AlterNet

Trump continues to stack his administration with one climate denier after another. READ MORE»

The Forgotten Syria Crisis: How the World Profits Off of War

By Vijay Prashad, AlterNet

The vultures have already begun to circle around Syria for the contracts to reconstruct the country. READ MORE»

Death of a Legislator: Dan Johnson's Suicide and the GOP's Far-Right Drift

By Amanda Marcotte, Salon

Before facing abuse allegations and taking his own life, Kentucky Rep. Dan Johnson was becoming a far-right leader. READ MORE»

Jill Stein on the Senate Intelligence Committee’s Investigation of Her Campaign for Russian Collusion: 'There Is No There There'

By Max Blumenthal, AlterNet

The former Green Party candidate calls the inquiry evidence of a "new McCarthyism."  READ MORE»

This Visionary Sci-Fi Author Sees the Destruction of Human Civilization: Predatory Capitalism

By Jacob Sugarman, AlterNet

Ted Chiang examines how Silicon Valley has become its own worst nightmare. READ MORE»

The Senate GOP Passed Its Massively Unpopular Tax Bill in the Dead of Night

By Chris Sosa, AlterNet

Not a single Republican voted against redistributing wealth from the bottom to the top. READ MORE»

One Woman's Crusade to Help Educate Female Prisoners About Drug Addiction

By Ilana Novick, AlterNet

Deborah Jiang-Stein is helping incarcerated women prepare for life after prison. READ MORE»

Chris Christie Is Quietly Reveling in Robert Mueller's Investigation of Jared Kushner

By Chris Sosa, AlterNet

The New Jersey governor previously helped put Kushner's father behind bars. READ MORE»

Surviving Holiday Heart Attack Season: A Cardiologist's Advice

By Andrew M. Freeman, AlterNet

More people die from heart disease between December 25 and January 7 than at any other time of the year. READ MORE»

Former CIA Director Warns Donald Trump Jr. Is Promoting Autocracy

By Chris Sosa, AlterNet

The president's son is undermining democracy in the service of his authoritarian father. READ MORE»

'Whoa, Whoa': Fox Panel Goes off the Rails After Guest Suggests FBI Plotted to Assassinate Trump

By Brad Reed, Raw Story

The right-wing media has lost its mind.  READ MORE»

Don't Listen to the New York Times—Birth Control Isn't Dangerous

By Valerie Tarico, AlterNet

Headlines and hype can leave women wondering what’s true and what's not. READ MORE»

The Case For Giving Free Massages to the Homeless

By Brian Murphy , Dimitri Mugianis, AlterNet

Holistic health and pursuit of happiness should be available to all, especially those in poverty and struggling. READ MORE»

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