TODAY'S TOP STORIES - April 17, 2017

The Republican Party Is Ready to Sell Off Your Internet Privacy at a Level That Boggles the Mind

By Thom Hartmann, AlterNet

GOP and giant ISPs could make big bucks from your personal information.  READ MORE»

In the Trump Era of No Transparency, We Are All Becoming 'Kremlinologists'

By Chauncey DeVega, Salon

How the stonewalling Trumpites force Americans and the media to interpret obscure acts to figure out what is going on. READ MORE»

The March Toward a Constitutional Convention Slows to a Crawl

By Miles Rapoport, The American Prospect

While some conservative legislatures may still vote for it, liberal legislatures are rescinding their state’s decades-old support. READ MORE»

One Simple Innovation Helps Many Women with the Family Planning They Need

By Valerie Tarico, AlterNet

A small non-profit has come up with a simple idea that can help women prepare for healthy babies—or prevent pregnancies. READ MORE»

The San Bernardino Shooting: Another Wake Up Call for Entitled Men as Another Out Of Control Husband Kills Wife, Self and Student Bystander

By Sincere Kirabo, AlterNet

Male violence continues to consume men who do not get their way in relationships. READ MORE»

In the Era of O'Reilly Abuse, We Are Failing Our Girls

By D. Watkins, Salon

The daughters of our so-called village deserve better than to be exposed to the sexism and abuse of Bill O'Reillys of the world. READ MORE»

Trump’s War on Urban ‘Carnage’ Was a Ruse

By Ebony Slaughter-Johnson, Other Words

Trump’s attorney general has promised to “pull back on” lawsuits against police departments over civil rights violations. READ MORE»

Surprise: 'Switzerland of Central America'—Costa Rica—Has Nationalistic Anti-Immigrant Violence

By Caitlin Fouratt, The Conversation

Stereotypes and anti-immigrant rhetoric has endangered the lives of Nicaraguan immigrants. READ MORE»

Republicans Launch their Crusade for Elder Poverty with Repeal of Automatic Retirement Accounts

By Laura Clawson, The Daily Kos

Republicans are trying to roll back the ability of cities and towns to protect their future retirees. READ MORE»

Sorry, Charter Boosters: Record Numbers of Teachers at Chicago Charter Schools Are Organizing Unions

By Micah Uetricht, In These Times

Unionized teachers can help keep charter administrations accountable to their workers—and to students. READ MORE»

Margaret Atwood Reflects on ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’

By Theresa Riley, Moyers and Company

The books 1984 and The Handmaid’s Tale have topped Amazon’s best-sellers list in recent months. READ MORE»

Our Current Food System Is Broken and Unjust—We Need a Paradigm Shift That Values Nutrition as a Human Right

By Dr. Robert Biel, UCL Press

Plenty of food is produced, but it fails to reach at least an eighth of the world's population that is suffering from hunger. READ MORE»

Trump’s Wall: How Much Money Does the Government Have For It Now?

By T. Christian Miller, ProPublica

$20 million. That’s enough to cover the cost of seven miles of wall. READ MORE»

Rev. William Barber: The Politics of White Southern Republicans Are Way More Twisted Than Blue Staters Generally Comprehend

By Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II, Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove, Beacon Press

When Rev. Barber met the former chair of the Republican Party in Mitchell County, North Carolina, he found their rejection of the Tea Party shocking: "I almost fell out of my seat." READ MORE»

Legal Pot State Governors Warn Feds to Keep Hands Off

By Michael Jones, Seattle Alternative

Four governors of legal marijuana states have sent a letter to Washington urging restraint on reefer.  READ MORE»

Why Some of America's Small-Scale Organic Farms Like Mine Are in Jeopardy

By Tom Willey, AlterNet

As farms turn to mechanization, how can small growers survive? READ MORE»

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