TODAY'S TOP STORIES - October 31, 2017

Mueller Indictments and Guilty Plea Show Dangerous Divide Between Trump/Right-Wing Media and Reality

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Yet again, red and blue America look at the same events and draw different conclusions. READ MORE»

Ex-Watergate Prosecutor Guarantees Papadopoulos Has Been 'Wearing a Wire' for Months: Whom Could He Have Snagged?

By Tom Boggioni, Raw Story

“If I were the other people, and they know who they are in that information, I’d be extremely nervous right now.” READ MORE»

Russia Inquiry Charges: How Close Does This Get to Trump?

By David Smith, The Guardian

As the news of the indictments rolled in, Trump tried to play down their significance—but the details revealed in the charge sheet are damning. READ MORE»

White Spite: Why Education Is at the Center of Trump's Politics of Resentment

By Jennifer Berkshire, AlterNet

"White Rage" author Carol Anderson discusses the Trump administration’s attacks on education. READ MORE»

It's Not Just O'Reilly and Weinstein: Sexual Violence Is a 'Global Pandemic'

By Valerie Dobiesz, Julia Brooks, The Conversation

Violence against women and girls poses a major public health problem for women and their communities. READ MORE»

You May Be a Witch and Not Even Know It: The Resurgence of W.I.T.C.H. Activism Under the Trump Administration

By Liz Posner, AlterNet

The 1968 organization is born again, casting spells to protect us from Trump.  READ MORE»

Could a Trump Aide's Guilty Plea Bring Down Jeff Sessions?

By Travis Gettys, Raw Story

The attorney general's hands don't look clean. READ MORE»

Carter Page Admits He's 'Probably' On Russia Email Chains in Surreal New Interview

By Chris Sosa, AlterNet

MSNBC's Chris Hayes couldn't believe his ears. READ MORE»

Trump Is 'Fuming' Over Indictment Coverage, and White House Staff Are 'Freaking Out'

By Noor Al-Sibai, Raw Story

A new report captures an administration in disarray. READ MORE»

Did You Know That the Majority of Halloween Candy Relies on Slave Labor?

By Sophie Linden, AlterNet

Giving you reason to hand out alternative brands to this year's trick-or-treaters. READ MORE»

Republicans Are No Longer Interested in Protecting Robert Mueller from Trump

By Sarah K. Burris, Raw Story

Officials have cooled on legislation preventing the president from firing the special prosecutor. READ MORE»

Why Should Taxpayers Pay for the Opioid Crisis When Pharma Caused It?

By Martha Rosenberg, AlterNet

Trump has announced a national public health emergency over opioids for a scourge created by Pharma. READ MORE»

An Environmental and Public Health Disaster Awaits—If USDA Gives Organic Label to Hydroponics

By Alison Rose Levy, AlterNet

The growing scale of hydroponic production risks driving organic farmers out of business. READ MORE»

Puerto Rico Is an Ongoing Disaster Area While Trump and FEMA Have Their Heads in the Sand

By Vijay Prashad, FRONTLINE

Three weeks after Hurricane Maria left the island, the 3.4 million Puerto Ricans remained in the dark. READ MORE»

U.S. Commandos Lurk in Countries That Surround Russia, Continuing to Raise Tensions

By Nick Turse, TomDispatch

As U.S.-Russia relationships continue to sour, U.S. policy is persistently provocative. READ MORE»

Teen Busted for Pot, Then Raped by New York City Cops

By Phillip Smith, AlterNet

As if we needed even more reasons to end marijuana prohibition.  READ MORE»

Tyson Foods Linked to the Largest Toxic Dead Zone in U.S. History

By Shana Gallagher, AlterNet

America's largest meat producer must clean up its act. READ MORE»

Cable News Almost Silent on Neo-Nazis Allegedly Attempting to Murder Counterprotesters at Richard Spencer Rally

By Brennan Suen, Media Matters

Even the so-called liberal networks had nothing to say.  READ MORE»

Cannabis and the Common Cold: Does It Help or Hurt?

By Kent Gruetzmacher, The Fresh Toast

As the fall season slowly begins fading into the winter months, an influx in cool weather is a sure harbinger for cold and flu season. READ MORE»

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