TODAY'S TOP STORIES - October 15, 2017

Organic Food and Farm-to-Table Pioneer Alice Waters Is Creating a Revolution in School Lunches

By Don Hazen, AlterNet

The celebrated Chez Panisse founder will not rest until every kid in America has a free, sustainably grown, delicious school lunch.  READ MORE»

Is Facebook Blocking Access to Data From Reporters Seeking To Probe Russian Infiltration in 2016 Election

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Facebook has said 470 Russian-controlled pages were read 10 million times, but an investigative reporter found six pages were "shared" 340 million times. READ MORE»

The Religious Right Is Using Hurricane Tragedies to Leverage More Public Funds for Churches

By Katherine Stewart, The American Prospect

The religious right wants to open up the spigots of government funding after natural disasters. The eventual goal may be the undoing of the First Amendment. READ MORE»

3 Alleged Sexual Predators Hollywood Has Warmly Embraced In Recent Years

By Jacob Sugarman, AlterNet

The industry is hardly as progressive as its denunciations of Harvey Weinstein might suggest. READ MORE»

5 of the Biggest Corporate Media Disasters This Week

By Adam Johnson, AlterNet

Here’s how the mainstream news disappointed us this week. READ MORE»

Is it Just a Matter of Time? The Lessons Learned From Nixon About When Presidents Unravel

By Lucian K. Truscott IV, Salon

Nixon schemed and spewed dangerous vitriol behind closed doors, Trump is doing the same in full view of the public. READ MORE»

9 Media Companies Majorly Profiting and Growing Their Audiences All Thanks to Trump

By Emily C. Bell, AlterNet

Trump may have made NBC a little nervous, but the "Trump Bump" is real and good for business. READ MORE»

On the Brink of Dangerous Crisis, as Iraqis Line Up to Attack Kurds

By David L. Phillips, AlterNet

The situation is urgent and letters on being out of control. READ MORE»

Many Cities Will Do Anything to Get Amazon's Attention in Their Desperation to Fix Their Economy

By Valerie Vande Panne, AlterNet

Cities should think big and creatively to better the lives of their own people, not to attract Amazon.  READ MORE»

The Case That Trump Is a Sociopath--A Psychiatrist Speaks Out

By Chauncey DeVega, Salon

Psychiatrist Lance Dodes sounds the alarm about President Donald Trump’s mental health. READ MORE»

How the Nazis Used Racist U.S. Jim Crow Laws as Model for the Making of Nazi Race Law

By Bill Moyers,

Bill Moyers in conversation with author James Whitman about his new book that uncovers how the Nazis used Jim Crow laws as the model for their own race laws. READ MORE»

New Study Shows Government Massively Miscounted Killings by Police—They're So Much Higher Than We Thought

By Jamiles Lartey, The Guardian

Harvard study finds over half of deaths wrongly classified, in latest example of databases greatly undercounting police killings. READ MORE»

Documents Reveal Middle East Regimes Fear Food, Water, Energy Shortages (EXCLUSIVE)

By Nafeez Ahmed, AlterNet

Governments of the Muslim world are not ready to how serious their environmental and resource challenges really are READ MORE»

How to Combat Racial Bias: Start in Childhood

By Gail Heyman, The Conversation

Tackling the problem also requires addressing the broader social and economic factors that READ MORE»

Which Murders Matter in Mainstream Media? A News Anchor Reveals the Chilling Formula

By Robert H. Jordan Jr. , Prometheus Books

It's all about the give-the-viewers-what-they-want mentality: race, celebrity, wealth, sex, violence, drama, and suspense. READ MORE»

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