Media Winners & Losers

Stephanie Ruhle

MSNBC host Stephanie Ruhle has been an potent voice of the network's coverage throughout the coronavirus pandemic, using her expertise in economics humanizing interview style to compelling results.

Ruhle — who is also a senior business correspondent for NBC News — recently held a heartbreaking interview with the mother of a heroic coronavirus victim and an informative one with a nurse on the front lines of the crisis.

She has taken criticism for her commentary — namely from Tucker Carlson, who used an out-of-context clip to bash the MSNBC host for arguing against prematurely opening up the economy.

Her argument — making the case that the United States should look to countries like Singapore for their mistakes on softening isolation guidelines — was well-informed and worth taking seriously.

The fact that little of that criticism is well-founded demonstrates the importance of Ruhle's voice in the current moment.
Maven CEO James Heckman

A week removed from overseeing yet another round of layoffs at Maven-operated Sports Illustrated, Heckman — on Friday — let go of a popular longtime writer from the once venerable, now decimated magazine.

Grant Wahl, who spent 24 years at SI, announced on Twitter that he had been fired. 

As if ousting a respected employee who had spent the past quarter century working for the company wasn't bad enough, though, Heckman proceeded to thoroughly trash Wahl in an internal memo obtained by sports editor Ian Thomas. Heckman claimed that Wahl balked at a paycut he was asked to take, and blasted the writer for having what he called a "me-first attitude."

In the memo, Heckman even disclosed Wahl's salary, and called Wahl's conduct "shameful."

Shameful is gutting one of America's great publications and turning it into a content mill. It is not a word that applies to Grant Wahl.

The A-Block


President Donald Trump has a date in mind for when he wants America back open for business — but his health experts are not on board.

According to the Washington Post, "Trump — concerned with the sagging economy — has sought a strategy for resuming business activity by May 1."

That May 1 date might sound great, but it also sounds optimistic to anyone who has been following what health experts believe. Namely, that there is a long way to go — and a lot of work to be done in the field of research and testing — before the country can be safely re-opened.

Dr. Anthony Fauci of the White House coronavirus task force stressed that point in his morning round of interviews Friday.

“The virus kind of decides whether or not it’s going to be appropriate to open or not,” Fauci said when asked about a May 1 date on CNN. He said that while there are some “favorable signs,” it would be a mistake “to get out there prematurely and wind up back in the same situation.”

Both Fauci and fellow task force member Dr. Deborah Birx stressed that while the country could be starting to see a leveling off, it is too early to pull back from measures being taken to fight the virus.

Peak Boredom at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue

Are you bored at home, surfing Twitter during the coronavirus pandemic? President Trump is too. He posted more than 50 tweets on Friday morning, with the first one fired off at 12:45 a.m.

Trump's epic posting binge touched included attacks on Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden, CNN, ABC, the Washington Post, the Russia investigation and the World Health Organization.

He rounded that off by boasting of the ratings for his coronavirus press briefings, despite increasing calls from allies (from the Wall Street Journal editorial board to Sen. Lindsey Graham) for him to cut back on the spectacles.

He Was THIS Close!

For the majority of Friday's White House briefing from the coronavirus task force, President Trump appeared to be heeding advice from the likes of the WSJ and Sen. Graham. 

He played nice with reporters, answering their toughest questions without lashing out incoherently. But at the end of the briefing, after CNN's Jim Acosta asked his second round of questions, Trump snapped.

He lashed out at "fake news" and rejected Acosta's questions on the federal government not doing enough to help states in the fight against the virus.

Live From Scarlett Johansson's Townhouse It's Saturday Night!

In a surprise announcement Thursday, NBC said Saturday Night Live! will be returning this week, for a special episode of remotely produced content.

The show will include a segment of Weekend Update — there's certainly no lack of material.

Meanwhile, Alisyn Camerota came with a pressing question for Dr. Fauci on CNN: Who does he want to play him on SNL? Fauci picked Brad Pitt. Correctly.

Must-See Clip of the Day


Want to see what happens when Chamath Palihapitiya, a venture capitalist, goes on CNBC and says we should let billionaires, hedge funds and mismanaged corporations get wiped out by the economic downturn? Of course you do.

Our favorite line from the interview: “Just be clear, like, who are we talking about. A hedge fund that serves a bunch of billionaire family offices? Who cares? Let them get wiped out, who cares? They don’t get to summer in the Hamptons? Who cares!”

Watch that, and a CNBC anchor's dumbfounded reaction, here.


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