TODAY'S TOP STORIES - March 8, 2017

'Post-Truth Is Pre-Fascism: The Possibilities Are Much Darker Than Americans Are Used to Considering—But What We Can Do Is Much More Important Than We Realize'

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Yale historian Timothy Snyder warns: "People now don’t understand how quick their neighbors will change; don’t understand how quickly society can change." READ MORE»

6 Reasons Why Trump Is Too Weak to Save American Jobs

By Les Leopold, AlterNet

Rexnord of Indiana is moving to Mexico and firing all of its 300 workers. READ MORE»

Trump's American Carnage Is Really the Wars We Are Perpetually Engaged In

By Rebecca Gordon, TomDispatch

Since 9/11, this country has experienced at least 15 years of permanent war in distant lands. READ MORE»

Right-Wing Pipeline of Lies and Propaganda Distorts Media Coverage: New Study

By Simon Maloy, Salon

The Trump "disinformation" bubble presents difficult challenges for the media. READ MORE»

The Rehabilitation of George W. Bush, War Criminal

By Vijay Prashad, AlterNet

Don't be fooled by the watercolors; he's still responsible for the death of a million Iraqis. READ MORE»

Brunch Drunk Love: The Hungover Origins of Your Favorite Meal

By Melissa Kravitz, AlterNet

Love brunch? You can thank an inebriated Englishman for inventing it. READ MORE»

How 90 Percent of American Households Lost an Average of $17,000 in Wealth to the Plutocrats in 2016

By Paul Buchheit, AlterNet

The richest 1 percent and the poorest 50 percent "have basically switched their income shares."  READ MORE»

How to Participate in the March 8th Women's Strike

By Ilana Novick, AlterNet

The March 8 strike aims to reveal what happens on a day without women. READ MORE»

Busted: Trump Met and 'Warmly Greeted' Russian Ambassador During 2016 Campaign

By Tom Boggioni, Raw Story

It was even reported in the Wall Street Journal.  READ MORE»

Amateur Hour: Trump and Team Ignore State Department, Run Government Without Diplomats

By Heather Digby Parton, Salon

Right-wingers have hated the State Department since the days of Joe McCarthy, but never has it been so abandoned. READ MORE»

How States Turn K-12 Scholarships Into Money-Laundering Schemes

By Carl Davis, The American Prospect

“School choice” happy talk obscures how privatizing education dollars allows wealthy taxpayers to scam the government. READ MORE»

Gutting Obamacare: Opening Salvo in the Republican War on Seniors, Middle-Aged and Poor Americans

By Nancy Altman, The Huffington Post

Seriously undermining Medicare and Medicaid, shifting thousands in unaffordable annual costs to families. READ MORE»

Amid GOP Attacks on Health Care, the Movement for Single Payer Is Growing

By Michelle Chen, Truthout

Health care is a human right.  READ MORE»

The FEC’s Open Hostilities, Dysfunction, and Intimidation Foreshadowed the Trump Era

By Eliza Newlin Carney, The American Prospect

Things could actually get worse at the Federal Election Commission, which has become the poster child for agency capture and political retribution under Trump. READ MORE»

Infographic: Why Marijuana Should Be Legalized in the U.S.

By Phillip Smith, AlterNet

This handy graphic covers just a few of the reasons we need to free the weed. READ MORE»

AlterNet Comics: Jen Sorensen on How Tax Cuts for the Wealthy Will Keep America Healthy

By Jen Sorensen, AlterNet

Don't worry, now more people can fight their way into civilized countries with decent health care.  READ MORE»

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