TODAY'S TOP STORIES - January 28, 2017

How Trump Could Make a Deadly Flesh-Eating Bacteria Spread, Again (Video)

By Reynard Loki, AlterNet

Vibrio vulnificus is like something out of a horror movie. READ MORE»

Donald Trump's Executive Order Means He Is Now Officially Gunning for Muslims

By Moustafa Bayoumi, The Guardian

First, we bomb you. Then we ban you. READ MORE»

A National Sanctuary Campaign Is Rising to Defy Trump's Nightmare White Supremacist, Xenophobic Agenda

By Sarah Lazare, AlterNet

Movements are demanding material safety and well-being for all people under attack. READ MORE»

Inside Trump's Bogus Investigation of Voter Fraud Lies the GOP's Long Crusade to Keep People of Color From Voting

By Heather Digby Parton, Salon

Voter-suppression zealot Hans von Spakovsky is among the key voices urging Trump to go after mythical voter fraud. READ MORE»

Secret Recording Reveals GOP Is Freaking out About Repealing and Replacing Obamacare

By Erin Corbett, Raw Story

There appears to be no path forward at this time. READ MORE»

Another Trump Lie: 'I’m Smart'

By Peter Dreier, AlterNet

It isn’t clear if he’s trying to convince his interviewer or himself. READ MORE»

How Slaves Reacted to Their Appraisals: Traumatic U.S. History of Slave Auctions

By Daina Ramey Berry, Beacon Press

A new book asks important questions about slaves’ perspectives on their auctions, including an enslaved father who fought to buy his son at auction. READ MORE»

2017 Isn't '1984'—It's Stranger Than Orwell Imagined

By John Broich, The Conversation

Orwell could not have imagined the internet and its role in distributing alternative facts. READ MORE»

As Cops Keep Going After Pot, The Three Deadliest Drugs Are All Legal

By Jack Burns, The Free Thought Project

Can you say "misplaced priorities"? READ MORE»

The Return of the Global Gag Rule Stinks of Neocolonialism

By Lola Okolosie, The Guardian

On this most basic issue of abortion and bodily autonomy, Donald Trump is imposing American religious values on women across the developing world. READ MORE»

'La La Land' and the Oscars: Why the Movie Attracts Haters

By Scott Timberg, Salon

Opposition to the film has come from fans of the Hollywood musical and admirers of jazz. Too bad they are wrong. READ MORE»

Jay Z Calls for Rikers Jail to be Closed in Exclusive Interview with Democracy Now!

By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!

"Any place that that can happen to any kid should be closed." READ MORE»

Study Tells Women What They Already Knew About Male Brains

By Elana Glowatz, Medical Daily

Men can’t multitask and women can. READ MORE»

Developer Welfare: Trump’s Infrastructure Plan

By Sharmini Peries, Michael Hudson, The Real News Network

He’s going to create a huge trillion-dollar market for Wall Street’s high finance. READ MORE»

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