TODAY'S TOP STORIES - February 16, 2017

A United States of Hate Has Exploded Under Trump

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

The Trump administration has ripped the lid off a Pandora’s Box of racial, right-wing hate as the Southern Poverty Law Center reveals READ MORE»

15 Tips for Defeating the Trumps in Your Own Life

By Jeremy Sherman, AlterNet

It's a tricky game to argue with a know-it-all, commander-in-chief and otherwise. READ MORE»

There Is a Growing Movement Across the Legal Community to Plan a Nationwide Walkout Against Trump

By Sarah Lazare, AlterNet

Legal professionals are throwing their weight behind Friday's call for a mass strike. READ MORE»

Trump Weaves a Bizarre Blend of Zionism and Fascism in Making a New Mideast Policy

By Jefferson Morley, AlterNet

Why did the president decline to endorse the two-state solution or criticize anti-Semitic hate crimes? READ MORE»

Trump Wants to Bring Back Torture—For Thousands of Americans, It Never Went Away

By Jean Casella, James Ridgeway, Solitary Watch

Nearly 100,000 Americans are held in solitary confinement.  READ MORE»

As White House Spirals Into Crisis, What Will Congress Do? GOP Leaders Face Unhappy Choice

By Heather Digby Parton, Salon

As Trump's White House implodes, congressional Republicans must confront a dilemma: their country or their agenda. READ MORE»

Trump's Border Wall Will Have Severe Ecological Consequences

By Shonil Bhagwat, The Conversation

Trump's wall will cause species extinctions and have far-reaching ecological—and evolutionary—consequences. READ MORE»

Can Journalists Debunk Trump's Lies Without Amplifying Them? It's Challenging but Not Impossible

By Amanda Marcotte, Salon

Journalists must report on the administration's many falsehoods—and find a way to do so that won’t backfire. READ MORE»

Why Trendy Nanosilver Products Are Hazardous to Your Health and the Environment

By Robin Scher, AlterNet

Over 400 products on the market use nanosilver technology, and most aren't reviewed by the EPA. READ MORE»

Don't Feed the Trolls: How Outrage Fuels Sickening Careers

By Jenny Pierson, AlterNet

The guy who wrote the book on trolling has some tough-to-swallow suggestions on combating the worst of it. READ MORE»

Students Protest University Talk by Extreme Israeli Ambassador Who Has Employed Extreme Racist Rhetoric Against Africans

By Ben Norton, AlterNet

"Danny Danon is Donald Trump on steroids," activists said of Israel's far-right UN ambassador, who was invited to speak at Columbia University. READ MORE»

How Climate Deniers Use Conspiracy Theories, False Narratives and Distractions to Avoid the Truth

By John Cook, The Conversation

By better understanding the various techniques used by climate deniers, it's easier to counter misinformation more effectively. READ MORE»

'He Will Die in Jail': Intelligence Community Ready to 'Go Nuclear' on Trump, Senior Source Says

By David Edwards, Raw Story

A former NSA analyst on Trump's ill-conceived antagonism against the intelligence community. READ MORE»

Good Music Kind of Gets You High

By Sophie Bushwick, Popular Science

Your favorite tunes activate the same brain systems that opioid drugs do. READ MORE»

We Will Not Pay: The Americans Withholding Their Taxes to Fight Trump

By Joanna Walters, The Guardian

The new president has driven some to make a statement with their bank accounts—despite fears such a protest could send demonstrators to jail. READ MORE»

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