TODAY'S TOP STORIES - October 20, 2016

Trump Crosses a Red Line in 3rd Debate, Refusing to Say Whether He Would Accept Election Results

By Steven Rosenfeld, AlterNet

Third debate was filled with disdain for Clinton and voters. READ MORE»

Donald Trump's Alpha Male Insecurity: Getting His Butt Kicked by a Girl Is Just Too Much for Him

By Gary Legum, Salon

Even before Barack Obama told him to "stop whining," Trump's masculinity was in crisis thanks to Hillary Clinton. READ MORE»

Here Are All of the Trump Products Made Overseas

By Michael Hayne, AlterNet

Like everything else about his campaign, Trump's trade talk is a pure scam. READ MORE»

Half of All American Adults Have Pictures in Police Facial Recognition Systems

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

Law enforcement agencies are looking into ways to expand on that number. READ MORE»

When Bacteria Is a Good Thing: 10 Ways Probiotics and Prebiotics Can Change Your Life

By Larry Schwartz, AlterNet

Your gut is telling you something. Listen! READ MORE»

Warren Buffett's Tax Challenge Proves That Trump Doesn't Know What an American Value Is

By Leo Gerard, AlterNet

Trump said “that’s smart,” when confronted with his tax shirking. It's actually dishonorable and unethical.  READ MORE»

Why Libya Is a Mayhem State

By Vijay Prashad, AlterNet

ISIS is the least of their problems, as Libya struggles with daily violence and economic distress.  READ MORE»

White Privilege Wages Jihad: Kansas 'Militia Members' Aren't Considered 'Terrorists' Because They're Not Muslim

By Chauncey DeVega, Salon

The three white men planned to unleash a killing spree and to bomb a house of worship—what should we call them? READ MORE»

Is Porn Racist?

By Carrie Weisman, AlterNet

Everything that exists in reality is magnified in porn. Including racism.  READ MORE»

The F Word: Being Stressed and Building Movements

By Laura Flanders, The Laura Flanders Show

We're going to be alright.  READ MORE»

Nearly Half of College Kids Go Hungry—Even With Jobs and Financial Aid

By Sophia Lepore, TakePart

Students are facing food insecurity despite assistance programs. READ MORE»

8 Fossil Fuel Companies Responsible for 15% of Global Carbon Emissions Since 1850s

By Elliott Negin, AlterNet

One of the worst offenders is ExxonMobil, whose CEO routinely misrepresents basic climate science. READ MORE»

AlterNet Comics: Tom Tomorrow On Trump's Descent Into Insanity

By Tom Tomorrow, AlterNet

His speeches are pretty much world salads now.  READ MORE»

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