TODAY'S TOP STORIES - November 29, 2016

Trump's Quiet Pick for Legal Adviser Shows He's Dead Set on Nuking Our Democracy

By Marty Kaplan, AlterNet

Trump isn't draining the swamp; he's creating a reptile enclosure. READ MORE»

The NRA Has a Very Scary Wishlist

By Matthew Rozsa, Salon

Come January, gun control advocates are going to have a major battle on their hands. READ MORE»

Libertarians Need to Choose: More Freedom or Less Government? You Can't Have Both

By Jeremy Sherman, AlterNet

Time to end the charade. READ MORE»

12 Reasons Jeff Sessions Should Never Be Attorney General

By Miranda Blue, Right Wing Watch

This guy is a multifront right-wing disaster. READ MORE»

7 Common Plants You Might Find in Your Backyard That Could Save You a Trip to the Pharmacy

By April M. Short, AlterNet

You don't necessarily have to tangle with Big Pharma to feel better. READ MORE»

Donald Trump's Bogus Claim He Won the Popular Vote Can Be Traced Back to an Alex Jones-Backed Theory

By Matthew Rozsa, Salon

Our president-elect is pushing out bogus conspiracies while bragging that he wont the popular vote (he didn't). READ MORE»

How the Syrian White Helmets Played Western Media

By Gareth Porter, AlterNet

Reporters who rely on the White Helmets leader for information are at serious risk of being manipulated. READ MORE»

Low-Wage Workers Are Protesting in 340 Cities to Push for a Righteous $15 Wage

By Alexandra Rosenmann, AlterNet

Uber drivers, baggage handlers and fast-food workers are going on strike this week. READ MORE»

Here's What It's Going to Take to Turn the Tide on Abortion Rights in America

By Deana A. Rohlinger, The American Prospect

It starts with economic prosperity. READ MORE»

Why Black Churches Are a Natural Place of Refuge and Resistance in the Trump Era

By Leslie D. Callahan, Religion Dispatches

The fight against Trump starts and ends with morality. READ MORE»

I Witnessed the Shocking Police Assault on the Protest Camp Fighting the Dakota Pipeline

By Tony Zinnanti, Capital and Main

A dispatch from the Standing Rock Reservation. READ MORE»

India's Right-Wing Prime Minister Modi's Machine Is Fueled by Black Money and Obscene Political Corruption

By Teesta Setalvad, AlterNet

About as far from squeaky clean as you can get.  READ MORE»

Not So Fast: California Voted to Legalize Pot—But Here's Why Residents Won't See Big Changes Overnight

By Chris Conrad, The Leaf Online

There are new laws on the books. But you'll have to be patient. READ MORE»

Trump Registered 8 Companies in Saudi Arabia During Presidential Campaign

By Brad Reed, Raw Story

Looks like Trump's going to be as corrupt as he possibly can. READ MORE»

Fidel Castro Showed Latin America How to Resist American Imperialism

By Amy Goodman, Democracy Now!

The failed invasion of the Bay of Pigs was widely celebrated as the first defeat of imperialism in the Americas. READ MORE»

Why You Should Be Having Romping Good Sex After 50

By Walker Thornton, Kinkly

Middle-aged women, don't be shy! A positive sexual attitude can improve your overall health. READ MORE»

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