Your Only Shot at This Explosive $1 Trade Ends Thursday

Silver is about to experience a once-in-a-lifetime mega-boom. One that could send prices soaring by as much as 587%. When it happens, the $1 trade I've put together could instantly shoot to an astounding $121. That's an 11,255% gain!

The window to get in on the action is closing quickly. You MUST ACT before midnight Thursday, November 3.

Get the details here before it's too late.

Trump Doesn't Think Coal Is Dead - Neither Should You

Tonight, Game 7 of an exciting World Series. 

Tuesday, Election Day.

And yes, the Fed is meeting today – but they won't make a move this close to the election. No way, no how.

The country seems to be holding its breath. Cubs or Indians? Clinton or Trump? So should we shut down our computers, forget about our portfolios
, and wait until the dust clears?

Again, no way.

There are always good buys out there – and our breathless anticipation of the results of high-stakes competitions is no reason to stop making money.

Our editors and analysts are hard at work uncovering opportunities for you. Here are just a few:

Linda McDonough, chief investment strategist at Profit Catalyst Alert, is taking a close look at the pharmaceuticals sector these days. Drug stocks have taken it on the chin lately; the S&P Pharma Select Index is down 15% since mid-August. Linda sees some bargains in the rubble, and she recently recommended a call option trade for subscribers of Profit Catalyst Alert.

Linda also is digging deep to identify winners and losers in the retail industry, which is undergoing a tectonic shift toward online shopping. Last week she recommended buying a put option on a well-known apparel and accessories maker to bet on a decline in its share price. Linda's analysis tells her that this former Wall Street darling will suffer from lower sales growth due in part to its dependence on struggling department stores.

Also last week, energy guru Robert Rapier added three coal stocks to The Energy Strategist's Aggressive Portfolio. While coal's long-term future looks as grim as an underground mine, it's enjoying a cyclical rebound that is producing big turnarounds for some previously despised and underfollowed stocks.

And Jim Pearce sent subscribers to his new Systemic Wealth service a Buy alert on a stock in the automotive industry that earns a perfect score in Jim's IDEAL Stock Rating System. This company was down and out several years ago but has been consistently profitable in recent years.

These are just some of the ultra-profitable trades we're finding. Don't miss out on them just because the crowd is on the sidelines… 

Uncle Sam is protecting this monopoly

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission is going after the alleged monopolies of Microsoft, Google… you name it.

Now get ready for a shock:

We've found a company that develops an essential part of the "backbone" for the Internet… and the government is protecting its monopoly.

The window to make money from this small tech stock is closing. Don't get left behind.

Make your move now.

You, Too, Can Invest Like an Angel

Benjamin Shepherd

It used to be that if you wanted in on the ground floor of a new breakthrough tech company, you either had to be a well-heeled investor or wait for the IPO like everyone else. If you were a startup tech company looking for funding, your options were similarly limited to venture capital and angel investors or going the traditional Wall Street route. But these days, as more people are venturing out on their own with shoestring budgets, investing rules are changing.

The Jumpstart our Business Startups Act passed in 2012, otherwise known as the JOBS Act, allowed companies to start raising money through online portals from non-accredited investors. While those portals have to meet certain SEC rules, the companies asking for money through them are relatively unregulated. But until recently, the only way those companies could entice investors was by offering them free stuff – if you give us $500, we'll give you a prototype of our new espresso machine – or by playing to your goodwill.

That changed back in May when the third leg of the JOBS Act kicked in, known as Regulation CF, allowing non-accredited investors to buy ownership stakes in startups. Startups that use equity crowdfunding are required to meet much more rigorous reporting requirements, but they can tap into a much bigger investment pool so the benefits can really outweigh the extra work. Founders can also structure the share offerings so they can sell off part of their stake, yet maintain control of their company, since the shares often don't have voting rights. If they go the traditional Wall Street or venture capital route, selling shares is an easy way to make someone else their boss.

Since the new rule came into effect on May 16th, the number of companies making Regulation CF offerings has jumped from just 25 to 144. Those crowdfunding campaigns aim to raise nearly $90 million and, so far, have raised more than $10 million according to Not surprisingly, the lion's share of that money has gone to tech companies, but even farmers, apparel outfits, and entertainment ventures are getting in on the action.

Estonia-based Wolfprint 3D is a great example of a company taking advantage of the new crowdfunding rules, building on a tech trend that's already in place.

Virtual reality is becoming increasingly popular; between games and conferencing, some industry experts predcit it will become our primary method of interacting within a few years. A lot of users don't care for generic avatars, or how they're represented in a VR environment. Most are pretty basic frame constructs bearing no resemblance to the person they represent. Having an artist actually create a 3D representation of yourself is an expensive and time-consuming process, and often aren't particularly accurate.

Wolfprint's Luna Scanner booth makes that process both simpler and cheaper. Someone who wants an avatar just takes a seat in the booth, which then takes hundreds of scans so an avatar can be created in a fraction of the time. Since the booths are portable and reusable, the scans are incredibly cheap and the scanners operate essentially like vending machines.

Building those scanners, plus developing and marketing costs, is an expensive proposition. Even though the company is already testing upselling ideas and plans to launch its avatars-for-gaming platform next year, it has found itself with just a few months worth of cash on hand left. Instead of turning to a venture capital firm that might want change the company's direction or jumping the gun with an IPO, it has turned to equity crowdfunding which could raise as much as $4.5 million in new money for the company. The folks investing that cash will also have an equity stake so, if the technology takes off, could see a lot of upside.

To be absolutely clear, I'm not suggesting that you invest in Wolfprint 3D. The equity positions that you buy aren't traded on a traditional exchange like the NYSE, so finding another buyer could be tough. That said, I look for more startups to turn to crowdfunding to get themselves going. With the relatively small investments required, it wouldn't be too tough to get a bit of your own venture capital fund started if you can afford to take the risk.

Big Players Are Loading Up On Silver

In the past few months, JP Morgan, Bank of America, and Morgan Stanley have all established billion-dollar positions in the silver market. The reason? Prices are about to go parabolic. In fact, one industry insider says they could skyrocket by up to 587%. If they do, the tiny $1 trade I've put together could turn into a staggering 11,255% winner.

Get the full details here.

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