TODAY'S TOP STORIES - October 17, 2016

Trump as Trigger: How His Misogyny and Hatred Are Literally Causing Millions Mental and Physical Pain

By Kali Holloway, AlterNet

Trump's runoff of fear and anxiety are affecting many Americans. READ MORE»

If Obama Can Forgive Me, Why Can’t She?' Getting Your Sentence Commuted Doesn't Mean You're Home Free

By Tana Ganeva, AlterNet

Woman whose prison time was commuted might get more jail time thanks to Republican prosecutor.  READ MORE»

Trump's Apocalyptic Message: Biblical Prophecy, Survivalist Ideolog and Racist Conspiracies In One Package

By John Feffer, Tom Dispatch

Evangelical and white power constituencies take his message literally. READ MORE»

I Was Born Into the 1 Percent—Here's Why I Gave Away My Trust Fund

By Chuck Collins, Chelsea Green Publishing

I have no regrets. If anything, I feel liberated. READ MORE»

Donald Trump As a 'Gaslighter': What We Must Learn from His Manipulative Non-Apology

By Paul Rosenberg, Salon

Exposing Trump's pattern of lies, abuse and victim-shaming has lessons that reach far beyond the 2016 campaign. READ MORE»

Amy Schumer and Lena Dunham Pioneer Gross-Out Feminism

By Zoe Strimpel, The Conversation

It works by normalizing women through focusing on and accepting their bodies as is. READ MORE»

With Help From ALEC and Bayer, Monsanto Is Poised to Take Over the Global Food System

By Jamie Corey, Lisa Graves, Center for Media and Democracy

A massive portion of the planet's seed stock could soon be in the hands of a single company. READ MORE»

Trump’s Riches and the Real-Estate Tax Racket

By Justin Miller, The American Prospect

The industry where you really can make billions and pay no taxes. READ MORE»

Dylan Ratigan Is on a Mission to Transform Communities With Healthy Food, Clean Energy and Jobs for Veterans

By Lucy Goodchild Van Hilten, AlterNet

Can the former MSNBC host's new solar-powered farms help shape the future of sustainable living? READ MORE»

The 10 Worst Pieces of Lesbian Advice From WikiHow

By Anna Pulley, AlterNet

Time travel may be involved. READ MORE»

Hightower: The Ethical Rot of Wells Fargo, From the Top Down

By Jim Hightower, AlterNet

The bosses' sales culture turned employees into a syndicate of bank robbers. READ MORE»

Islamodiversion: How Sarkozy and France’s Political Class Outdo Trump, Exploiting Islamophobia to Distract from Economic Problems

By Yasser Louati, AlterNet

Stoking fear of Muslims is a potent weapon for reactionary politicians. READ MORE»

There's Another Important Election You Aren't Hearing About: Can a 'Pissed-off Teamster' Take Down the Incumbent?

By Alexandra Bradbury, Labor Notes

The battle for control of the Teamsters Union is heating up. READ MORE»

Jake Tapper Crushes Giuliani for Citing ‘Former Pimp Guy’ as Witness Against Trump Sexual Assault

By David Edwards, Raw Story

Nine women came forward last week to dispute Trump’s claim that he'd never groped or kissed a woman without consent.  READ MORE»

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