Plus, why building more housing won’t make it affordable, and more…
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February 9, 2023


The Democrats Lost the House by Just 6,675 Votes. What Went Wrong?
At first glance, Democratic performance in last year’s House races was great. But a close look under the hood reveals that, with a few smarter moves and a little more luck, we’d have Speaker Jeffries.
by Walter Shapiro
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New chief of staff Jeff Zients lacks the organic relationships Klain had with the base. Can anyone on team Biden keep those lines open?
by Daniel Strauss
Residents of the nation’s capital fought hard for home rule. If the GOP has its way, the city will become Capitol Hill’s private colony.
by Matt Ford
America’s housing crisis has reached unfathomable proportions. But new construction isn’t enough to solve it.
by Michael Friedrich
After years of tarring his opponents as groomers and pedophiles, the Florida governor is on the receiving end of his favorite slur.
by Alex Shephard
From the archives:
The conservative movement’s go-to media grifters have a dark history of collaborating with Trump’s new favorite far-right gang.
by Matthew Phelan, Jesse Hicks and Elizabeth Farkas

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