Plus: Liberal and Conservative Agree: Fathers Matter, Case Closed
August 17 2020
Trump Gives ‘Spy’ Nickname to Huawei During Crackdown on Chinese Tech Giant
By Chris White

The president expresses support for throttling the U.S. operations of the Chinese telecommunications behemoth Huawei as his administration cracks down on China-based companies, citing security risks.
Liberal and Conservative Agree: Fathers Matter, Case Closed
By Larry Elder

The most serious inequality is the unequal percentage of fathers in black households, a phenomenon encouraged by government policies that normalize and reward births outside marriage.
With New Zealand’s New Lockdown, Auckland Trapped in COVID-19 Nightmare
By Patrick Tyrrell

In its initial response to COVID-19, New Zealand had imposed one of the most stringent lockdowns of any country in the world.
George Soros’ Lifetime Fortune Spent on Liberal Influence
By Scott Walter

Giant multinational corporations look on in envy when they see what the Soros empire gets to spend on D.C. lobbyists.
How the United Nations Promotes an Anti-Family Agenda
By Virginia Allen

Kimberly Ells arrived at the United Nations excited to engage in work to strengthen families around the world. What she found was an agenda to dismantle the traditional family.

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